The Orned Shurmed Geographic Location in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Orned Shurmed

The Orned Shurmed is a land cursed by natural disaster and mystical anomolies. Once simply a waste land that was belived to have grown larger with time. It was made worse by the shattering of Haven that brought about mystical anomolies to compound the natural disasters. Any who enter will be lucky to find their way out alive as the many natural dangers get worse when anomolies play a part.  
The Shattering of Haven lead to the end of the truth seekers and twisted the western waste into lost territory that few can ever return from. Most are content to stay far away, knowing better than to deal with the forbidden. Though there are some who would willingly seek lost treasure in those lands, even at the risk that they will become another cautionary tale of why not to go there. -Ace Cardia


A dry husk of a land that has no signs of life. Cursed with earthquakes and sand storms that can cause any who traverse it to become lost. Its only source of safety can only be found in caves that have a chance to be house by something else. Many canyons formed from what use to be a vibrant land with great flows of water. Dried up till their was only dust in the riverbeds.


Few things cause the Orned Shurmed home as life is hard to survive there. Though it has been proven that before the  anomolies, many creatures use to live in and near caves. Some researchers

Ecosystem Cycles

Before the shattering their were a number of locations that still had some vibrancy to it. Oasis that were said to only exist thanks to powerful spirits watching over those lands. Here a semblance of the natural; balance was maintained. Creatures would live and procreate to the pattern of seasons. Once the shattering much is unknown if these oasis even stil exist.
Alternative Name(s)
Shattered Waste

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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