Hecate is one of the more prestigious clubs in The Undercity of New York. The lines are usually rather long if you don't know the right people, and if you know the right people, you rarely have to queu anyway.
Purpose / Function
Hecate is a prestigious club but also a front for The Red Sisterhood led by Madame Red, but it is also a safe haven for other persons who wish to have their bloody mary drinks with real stuff instead of booze. One can come to enjoy their time int he club, usually by socializing and drinking, but the building also has a medium-sized dance floor.
The facade of the building is a strange, yet fitting mix of different architectural styles. The mixing of styles is characteristic to the undercity architecture, but gothic elements are much rare in The Undercity of New York and Hecate is one of the few buildings to have such distinct trait.
The building does not seem to have any visible defences, but no doubt there must be some magical means to keep the unwanted guests away.
The building where club Hecate is located has been many things during its life, but the club has been in the building at least from the '70's.
Many who come to the Undercity for the first time think that one canjust walk in to the club, but it is not as easy... nor safe. Sometimes its easier for humans and other 'lesser' magical creatures to gain access, because the vampires who keep the club as their base do not see them as a threat. The ones who are associated with The Smithsonian Institute are usually forbidden from entering or they need a special permission.
Founding Date
Unknown, but the facade is a mix of colonial, gothic, and modern architectural styles.
Alternative Names
The Lair, The Bat Cave
Parent Location
Owning Organization