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Valley of Lost Honor

The Valley of Lost Honor was a volcanic valley in southwest Chult.


This dark valley is surrounded by the thickest, most impenetrable jungle foliage in all of Chult. Predatory dinosaurs and the Batiri seem to thrive in the lands surrounding it


At some point, the undead hordes of Ras Nsi pursued the Eshowe tribe into this valley and eradicated their numbers.   By the Year of the Iron Dwarf's Vengeance, 1485 DR, the valley was under the control of the firenewts of Hrakhamar and regularly patrolled by their mounted warriors. At the same time, it was claimed under the territory of the young red dragon Tzindelor who laired in the Wyrmheart Mine.


Legends identify this valley as the last redoubt used by the Eshowe as they fled Ras Nsi's undead army after the end of the civil war with the Tabaxi. Caves filled with treasure, the wealth of an entire people, may be hidden here. Other stories claim that this valley holds the monstrous, ancient evil the Eshowe unleashed upon Mezro when they sacked that holy city: a giant made of shadow, a creature who devours honor and nobility.
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