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Chultean Peninsula Base Map Image
Chultean Peninsula
Chult was located at the westernmost end of the Chultan peninsula, in the southern part of the Trackless Sea, off the coast of Calimshan. As a result of the Spellplague, Chult was cut off from the mainland, becoming an island, but following the Second Sundering it was reunited with the mainland. Regardless of geographical status, Chult has always been remote and isolated, forming a mountainous jungle of savage beasts, hulking dinosaurs, and disease-ridden swamps. Human tribes, goblins, and even stranger monstrous folk haunted the thick jungles. Nevertheless, Chult drew adventurers who sought its legendary riches. The primordial Ubtao was almost exclusively revered in the land, for the divine powers of Faerûn awarded Ubtao the dominion over the land of Chult in exchange for the deity's vigilance over the threat from under the Peaks of Flame.  

Important Sites


Fort Beluarian

  A small outpost that belonged to the Flaming Fists, a mercenary company based in Baldur's Gate. The troops would work with adventurers to promote the cause of good, and provide shelter to adventurers in dire need. In spite of this goodwill, the city had, over the Hundred Years of Chaos, been burnt to the ground twice by local inhabitants of Chult only to be rebuilt by the Baldurians. The colony was also in competition with the much larger Port Nyanzaru. The fort presently contains a prison, often holding dangerous inmates, dissidents, and P.O.W.s. Some in Port Nyanzaru and the larger Amnian empire have labeled Fort Beluarian a "penal colony," a charge that Baldur's Gate vehemently denies.  


  Mezro was the largest civilized area in Chult and a holy city to the Chultan tribes. The city was generally peaceful and few people, except for outsider-adventurers, carried weapons. The city was protected by the undying baras of Ubtao and six paladin-like chosen who ruled the city. Until 1363 DR the city was surrounded by a magical wall, preventing it from being seen and causing confusion in those who approached too closely, but after a victorious battle against the batiri goblins this protection was lowered. After this it was a safe haven for explorers battered by the harsh jungle until the Spellplague, at which point it collapsed into the earth.  

Port Nyanzaru

  A harbor port settled by Amnians, Port Nyanzaru was also a mighty fortress, built to withstand pirate attacks and the threats of the jungle itself. Controlled by Amn, Nyanzaru was a booming, densely populated community that brought in much wealth for its parent state.


The Jungle

  It was said by many that the jungles of Chult were the most dangerous places in Faerûn. The plants were intelligent predators while the predators themselves were massive and armed with huge teeth and claws. Insects bit and stung travelers almost constantly, the heat and humidity were almost unbearable and the undergrowth contained a multitude of poisonous snakes. Worst, however, was the disease that ran rampant in the area. Most things in the jungle had some sort of illness or parasite and it was very easy to catch such illnesses off them. Even the water was tainted and had to be boiled if it was to be drunk. On top of all this, the intelligent creatures that eked out an existence in the dense foliage were perfectly happy and sometimes went out of their way, to track travelers in order to hunt them down and kill them. Yuan-ti, batiri, and other species that have learned to survive in this place needed food; adventurers would tend to suit that need nicely. Yet those adventurers kept on coming in their droves to the Chultan jungles as rumors of endless veins of gold, huge gems and ruined empires stuffed to the brim with magic and riches kept surfacing in taverns across Faerûn and many were willing to brave the dangers of the jungle for a slice of that fabled wealth.  

Peaks of Flame

  The Peaks of Flame were the abode of salamanders and other creatures of fire. The peaks were also said to sit over a pair of iron doors that led to the Fugue Plane, the world of the dead. Legend had it that at the end of the world Dendar the Night Serpent would tear down these doors and break through into the world.  

Valley of Lost Honor

  In the thickest parts of the jungle lay the Valley of Lost Honor, once the last refuge of the Eshowe before they were destroyed. Legends said that all of their wealth was left behind in caves in the valley, while more sinister legends claimed the evil deity of Eshowdow, actually Shar in disguise, resided there, recruiting followers and planning revenge.  

Wild Coast

  The jagged and treacherous coast of southwestern Chult created a hazard for ships, and merchants from northern Faerûn have learned to give it wide berth. Fearing not only the cliffs, sailors spoke of whirlpools, freak storms, aquatic monsters, flying dinosaurs and giant eagles. A few brave (or foolish) sought fortune to explore the caves along the coast, hoping they would lead into rich mines under the jungle.  

The southern Chultan coast

The southern Chultan coast extended east until the Snout of Omgar, a mountainous island that marked the boundary between Chult and the coast of Samarach.[9] The Snout was the domain of the tortle race.


The chultan peninsuala has 2 seasons - A Flooded Season and a Dry season. The flooded season is from Nightal - Mirtul. The dry season is from Kythorn - Nightal.     Dry Season Weather Table   Description
1 - 12
  Heavy Mist
13 - 18
6   Dry and Sunny
19 - 43
25     Sunny with Rain Showers
44 - 68
25     Rainy
69 - 88
20   Heavy Rain
89 - 93
5   Tropical Storm
94 - 95
2   Extremely Warm and Rainy
96 - 97
2   Extremely Warm and Dry
98 - 100
3   Monsoon Weather Table
1 - 4
4   Heavy Mist
5 - 12
8   Sunny with Rain Showers
13 - 18
6   Rainy
19 - 48
30   Heavy Rain
49 - 73
  Tropical Storm
74 - 83
  Extremely Warm and Rainy
84 - 85
  Monsoon Shift
86 - 100
  The Seasons     If you don’t want the weather to have too much of an effect on your game consider playing within the dry season. It adds a bit of flavour but keeps the chance of actual mechanical implications fairly low, keeping them fun and memorable if they come up. If you play a game that spans multiple months then the dry seasons typically take up the 6 coldest months. Dry seasons generally take place within the months of Nightal till Mirtul.     Weather Effects Tropical environments are hot, humid and rainy all year long, with only a slight reprieve during the dry season. Generally temperatures range between 20°C and 35°C (70° F to 95° F), only falling a few degrees lower during the dry seasons.     Misty A low mist hangs in the air that limits vision to a maximum of 150 ft. for everything of large size and smaller. Any such target is assumed to have total cover while anything huge or larger past this range is considered to have threequarters cover. Any Survival(wisdom) check made to navigate through the mist has disadvantage.     Heavy Mist A thick almost tangible mist drowns out any vision past 15ft. for everything large and smaller, with anything huge or larger only being visible up to 30ft. away. All sight based abilities outside of the 15ft. range are at disadvantage and all creatures and objects outside of that range are assumed to have total cover. This disadvantage cannot be negated and also applies to navigation unless the DM specifically allows you to.     Dry and Sunny These days are rare and should be enjoyed, unless you are a kobold named Ishi.. then you’ll probably be very disappointed (or whenever you are any other race that is sunlight sensitive)     Sunny with Rain Showers Smaller localised rain clouds fill the skies, leaving the days filled both with rain and rainbows. In general, combine the rules for “Dry and Sunny” and “Rainy”. For more specificity, there will be a 1 in 3 chance of it currently being dry on the character’s position.     Rainy A sheet of rain falls over the land, creating a damp but slightly cosy atmosphere while walking under the massive trees of the jungle. Though the humidity rises most places within the jungle are still relatively dry due to the thick canopy catching most of the rain.     Heavy Rain Rain and wind tear at the trees and pour down on any poor adventurer out to test their luck. Any Wisdom(perception) checks beyond 150ft. become blurred and are at disadvantage except for anything that’s huge or larger. Any creature outside of this range that is large or smaller gains the benefits of three-quarters cover and missile weapons ranges are halved. (there’s also a 1 in 1000 chance of encounter the glorious golden god david cage, challenge rating 25 encounter)     Tropical Storm The sky darkens as lighting, rain and mayhem rain down from above while the wind tears the trees away from the earth itself. Rivers swell and rage through the jungle, preventing any form of travel by boat. Any guide worth their salt knows that the best choice is to hunker down and wait out the storm, but there are always those foolish enough to think they can test mother nature. Anyone braving the storm immediately gains a level of exhaustion and must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of the day to prevent weariness from setting in. On top of the attributes of “Heavy Rain” all characters are also at disadvantage for making Wisdom(survival) checks to navigate.     Extremely Warm The heat rises to 35°C(95° F) and above making movement cumbersome. Any character that decides to travel long distances during these days gets a level of exhaustion. During extremely dry days characters will need to actively prevent being dehydrated throughout the day. (a small or medium creature needs 2 gallons of water, if they drink half that it’s a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain a level of exhaustion. Anything less than half the needed hydration results in an automatic level of exhaustion)     Monsoon Shift Occasionally a large period of rain and storm falls over the land, making dry days a distant dream for most adventurers and explorers. Once a “Monsoon Shift” comes up on the tables switch over to the monsoon part of the table or, if you are already on the monsoon table, move back onto the regular table.


The humans of Chult lived in tribal communities, consisting of a dozen or so families, which moved from one area to the next when the poor soil of the largely-jungle covered peninsula becomes depleted. For hunting and defense they relied on non-metallic weapons like clubs, bows and shortspears. Harder metals like iron and steel were unavailable to them, and the few brought in by outsiders were nowhere near enough to sufficiently arm any significant number of people.   Magic was generally feared, and each tribal-family generally had only one wielder of arcane magic, who performed hunting ceremonies and brewed potions to aid the hunters. Despite this restriction on arcane spellcasters, the number of people with an aptitude for magic was the same as anywhere else in Faerûn. Subsequently, the Chultan attitude towards the arcane caused some arcanists to flee into the jungle to practice their art alone. In the days before the Spellplague many also traveled to study in Mezro.   Aside from humans, wild dwarves, goblins, aldani, pterafolk, bullywugs, and lizardfolk also inhabited the land. Exotic creatures as chuuls, hydras, nagas, troglodytes, trolls, and wyverns existed in smaller numbers. The dominant predators of the land were the dinosaurs, who were worshiped by many of the natives as aspects of the primordial Ubtao.   "Slimes" were a present danger for travelers in Chult, namely zygoms, green slimes and yellow molds.   Chult was the prime destination for people who liked to hunt or collect monster skulls. These safari hunters paid good coin for exotic creatures to claim as trophies without actually having to risk their own lives.

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