Drow in Chult Plot in Chult | World Anvil
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Drow in Chult

While travelling between Mbala and Orolunga the Guardians of the Gate came across the remains of an ambush.
  A singular drow was found deceased further away, which allowed Fang to track back to the ambush site. Surrounding a large crack in the ground leading down into darkness an additional four bodies were found.
  Three of these bodies were drow, with spiderweb motiffs across their amour while the remaining body was chultan. All had intricate darts in their necks and showed wounds from blades in their backs, suggesting they were cut down while fleeing.
  Around the hole, carved into the stone in burning glyphs, discered as a dark version of elvish was written the phrase "None escape the wrath of the Lloths fangs".
  It seems these individuals tried to escape the darkness below chult, what other mysteries lie below....


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