Locating Elders of Chult Plot in Chult | World Anvil
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Locating Elders of Chult

The Guardians of the Gate have been told to seek out elders of chult to learn more of the lands and the history of what has gone on.  

Saja N'baza 

  After speaking with Wakanga O'tamu Merchant Prince of Magic and Lore the Guardians of the Gate learnt that Aumar(Elminster) sought the location of wiseman known as Saja N'baza. Thought to be nearly a 100yrs old, if not older, Aumar thought that Saja N'baza could reveal details of chult and its links to the Death Curse. With Aumar gone it now falls upon the Guardians of the Gate to continue the quest and seek out.


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