Soul Monger Myth in Chult | World Anvil
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Soul Monger

An ancient device created by Acererak .
  Hidden beneath the lost city of Omu this device is the suspected source of The Death Curse.
  Speaking to the great sage Saja N'baza revealed a few key details about the device:
    • She is unaware of how to destroy the soul monger; it is not of her time or any time.
    • The Soul Monger was created by Acererak 
    • The Soul Monger stores the souls it syphons, but that storage is no indefinite; once a set amount are stored they can be harvested and used. Such harvesting would destroy the souls in the process
    • The Soul Monger takes the form of crystal cylinder, between 10 and 30ft high with 10ft in diameter. Reinforced and held in adamantium. the crystal is a deep blue, with souls swirling within
    • It is unknown who turned the Soul Monger on, although the Guardians of the Gate suspect it was Nsi .
    • The souls currently being stored could be used to fuel the resurrection of a terrible ancient being, she suspects Nsi  is attempting to resurrect DenDar, The Night Serpent  

  Soul monger is stopping children from being born.


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