Acererak Character in Chult | World Anvil
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A great and powerful extraplaner being known by many names: The Destroyer, The Devourer, The Scarlet Robed One, The Lord of Unlife.   This being is suspected of being a great and powerful lich of unknown extraplaner origins, but has been recounted as the slayer of the nine trickster gods and the architect of some great and wicked construction beneath the ruins of Omu; AKA "The Forbidden City"   Yesne has knowledge of a hyper powerful, demi-god like being who actively shunned godhood. So malevolent that it crushes those who try and worship. The create tombs, full of treasures and wonders in order to draw in adventurers. This being was the "Lord of Unlife"

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A Lich


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