Chult Day 28 Info gathering in Nyanzaru
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Day 28 Info gathering in Nyanzaru

14/6 1:00

Main Events

Emeka Isrit Has The Death CurseAzaka Stormfang Still wants to hire the Guardians of the GateThe Guardians Learn of The Company of The Yellow BannerThe Eye of Zaltec and the Spirit LanternJa'Derema Pays The GuardiansJa'Derema Hire The Guardians to Find More Coutl Feathers (Rainbow Tej Feathers) • The Guardians Visit Thokeen Luck LeaderThe Guardians Learn the History of Ras NsiThe Guardians Gain Knowledge of The Undead

Kailyn Tharamor examined Emeka Isrit in the walled garden over breakfast and confirmed that it is likely the death curse. Azaka Stormfang found the party at breakfast. Still keen to travel down the river to firefinger saying that the pterafolk always love shiny bright and unique items. The party can keep all the rest of the treasure, except the mask (Azaka's Family Mask.   She confirmed that she had never died but despite several injuries in the jungle, heels quickly. The party noticed she has no scars.   No other parties around that she thinks are up for the task. There was one a little while back, The Company of the Yellow Banner, but too focused on their own mission:   The Eye of Zaltec and the Spirit Lantern   Had with them a lantern with an ancient soul trapped inside. In search of The Eye of Zaltec a legendary item that can raise those that have been dead for a very long time. Yesne Brightstar remembers this from the library – the ‘restricted’ section. Within ancient scrolls she recalls someone mentions about this. It’s a jewel which was rumoured to have powers to resurrect ancient undead (as in 1500+ years ago). Fist sized red ruby. A true resurrection, very powerful. Rumour there was talk it can only be used once a decade and to reduce the length of time - one week reduction for every intelligent human sacrifice and bathing the gem in it’s blood. Whereabouts is not known. They went into the jungle with a guide,Salida.   The party (Company of the Yellow Banner) consisted of: Lord Brixton (Leader), Bravus Boulderborn (Dwarvern Cleric), Unknown (Human Ranger), Unknown (Silver Dragonborn Paladin), Devlin Bashir (Wizard with a goat’s head) & Unknown (Human, quiet, rogue?).   Ja'Derema arrives with tej orders and rainbow tej. Said business was booming and he has even had a large order from Fort Beluarian. Here rewards the party with 50pp. Due to kind words from Bjorn Lovehammer he gifts him a magical rainbow opal. He confides in them that he has only ever had one Coutl feather and needs more. He no longer makes concentrated Rainbow tej as they once tasted. The single feather he had was sourced from a jungle guide. He agreed to reward them with 8 more vials of Rainbow Tej concentrate if they can get up to 4 feathers (Rainbow Tej Feathers. He gave them two in advance. Yesne Brightstar remembers it’s a serpentine being – great level of insight, brilliant coloured rainbow wings, celestial origins. Not natural to the plane we are on. Linked to the planes of air/ethereal. They live for eons and can survive with nothing. Can sense it’s own death a century before it happens. Linked to divine tasks. Watch over things / follow prophecies. Have a unique ability to polymorph into humanoids or beasts of medium size. 12 foot long, wing span of 15 foot. (Yesne Brightstar wants to know if Elonast is one or if she’s heard of them).   Went to Malar's Throat to speak with Thokeen Luck Leader. Told them about his research into the death curse. Confirmed there were cases of this occurring, but people were unsure what it was. Confirmed that revivify and raise dead no longer work Imparted knowledge around undead: Told the history of Nsi and more of the Ruins of Mezro. Told that undead can be creatures not just humanoids Worst undead are Vampires and Liches. A lich can disguise its appearance. Undead attacks have been increasing. Said that the Company of the Yellow Banner had passed through some time back.

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