Fort Beluarian Building / Landmark in Chult | World Anvil
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Fort Beluarian

The main base of operations of the Flaming Fist in Chult.
  Fort Beluarian is located on the northern tip of Chult, northeast of Port Nyanzaru and near the eastern shore of the Bay of Chult. It receives supply shipments from the nearby stretch of beach referred to as Beluarian Landing. A second landing is found on the eastern coast of the peninsula, reached through a well maintained track through the jungle.
Fort Beluarian


Main Characters Located Here

    • Shago
    • Jaro
    • Gruta Halsdottir
    • Jewel
    • Qwasha
    • Shilau M'wenye
    • Blaze Liara Portyr
    • Kupalue

  Shago's Undead hunting party


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