Chult Who is Biff Longsteel now?
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Who is Biff Longsteel now?


Main Events
Nisus sees a Chwinga We cross a Dinosaur bridge (Bridge of Bone (Bjorn, not so much) • We find a dead Biff Longsteel Bjorn Lovehammer is paralysed

The weather improves, it stops raining. Fang scales a tree and notes we are around 2 days away, spotting a ravine in the direction of travel.   Nisus Ben-Har finds a bird of prey with a silver crest of feathers on it’s head, he shoots it. As he goes to pick it up the wing lifts up from it’s body and a little black and white humanoid pops out from underneath and holds up Nisus' crossbow bolt. It is a Chwinga. Nisus Ben-Har speaks greets the Chwinga , it tilts its head, falls back and disappears into seeds and floats away. Fang recognises it as a Harpy Eagle .   Kailyn Tharamor takes the dead Harpy Eagle when nobody is watching ‘are you in there?’ – he’s checking to see if anything dead will talk to him.   We make good progress through the day, the temperature remains the same, a light rain begins.   As the sun begins to set, Kailyn notices a strange sound mixed in with all the usual sounds of the jungle. Kailyn messages to Fang that it sounds strange ahead. Fang stops and has a listen. She hears running water echoing in a chasm nearby – this will be the ravine. Putting distance between herself and the party, Fang goes on ahead and finds the ravine. It’s a sheer drop of around 200ft. the rushing water flows left to right (towards the Mistcliff Mountains). It is around 100ft across. The rest of the party catch up. Kailyn looks over the edge and sees nothing (no dead bodies!). As Fang makes progress she spots something bridging the ravine around 45 minutes away.   The ‘bridge’ appears to be the spine, neck, tail and rib cage of a huge dinosaur, webbed together. Wooden planks help the structure remain together, The Bridge of Bone.   As we begin to cross the bridge, Bjorn slips on a rib and loses his footing, this causes Yesne to slip but luckily she is able to kneel and stabilise herself. Bjorn is less lucky and falls through a bone, grabs a rib but it breaks and he falls off the bridge. Yesne, with quick reactions, casts feather fall to slow his speed and Bjorn throws his enchanted rope at the bridge and commands it to tie onto the bridge. The rope successfully ties on and stops Bjorn from falling. We continue to cross the bridge (Kailyn appears to be floating) and eventually make it to the other side.   Elonast tells Yesne there is a campsite up ahead. Yesne tells Fang, it’s 150ft further North and we head towards it following the tracks Elonast points out. Upon arrival, Yesne and Kailyn decide to investigate the campsite a lot more. It’s a well set out site, done by individuals of experience, it has been packed well. It has been occupied by 6 individuals, the thing of interest is, on the outskirts of the camp, on a fallen log someone has obviously sat on watch but there are a few droplets of blood by that log, the bark on the back has been pulled off and lies on the floor. With Kailyn, Yesne and Fang investigating and discussing the area, they piece together, that someone fell backwards and pulled the bark off, with an attempt to cover it up, someone has been dragged off. Possibly a few weeks ago (quite recent for the jungle). No other markings suggest that nobody followed the trail. The drag marks go in one direction and then a set of footprints come back. Kailyn tastes some of the dirt by the fallen tree, there is a strong metallic taste suggesting a significant amount of blood was spilled.   Bjorn in the camp tries to communicate with Elonast but a Chwinga appears. He tells the Chwinga he is looking for Elonast. The Chwinga disappears, appears on his shoulder and then produces a Mango. He puts out his hand and so does Bjorn. Then it ‘folds up’ and disappears into the ground. A tree begins to grow from the ground.   Following the tracks, around 100ft or so, there is a very old, very large, rotting tree. Fang makes a note and returns. Kailyn, Yesne and Fang go to the tree and Kailyn looks to see if there is any magic in the vicinity – there isn’t.   As Bjorn and Nisus Ben-Har are in the campsite, Bjorn notices a large insect, around a foot and a half long, crawling up the back of Nisus. Bjorn grabs Nisus and rolls him out of the way before biting the head clean off with his helm of the Girallon. Bjorn is then immediately paralysed and falls to the ground.   At the tree, Fang doesn’t recognise anything dangerous around the tree. Kailyn makes himself invisible and moves towards the tree. The tracks go around the tree so Kailyn follows them where he finds more leaf disturbance. Yesne and Fang join them and Kailyn looks for any traps. Fang moves some vines to the side and a bloodied and crumpled arm flops out from inside the tree. They find a folded body that has been stuffed into the hole, it is naked. It is a male human, they pull him out. Not a face we recognise. Inside the tree are some torn up pieces of paper with scribbles on them. Fang takes them out. Yesne uncrumples them and notices one piece says ‘Brixt’ on it. Brixton is the leader of The Company of the Yellow Banner, could have been him.   Fang and Yesne head back to the camp. Nisus Ben-Har is slapping Bjorn across the face, who comes back to consciousness.   Kailyn remains to investigate the body. It has a puncture wound in his neck – there is some sort of poison in this and his neck is broken. Kailyn tries to take out the tongue and then notices that some of the teeth have been torn out (Kailyn finds these near the tree) His fingers and toes have all been broken. Kailyn takes out his knife and engraves into the bodies chest “the dead tell no lies, I look forward to speaking to you soon”. He tries to push the body back in but cannot do it.   Yesne perfectly reassembles a handful of notes, hastily written in common. They have bits of blood / staining on the paper itself.   “group – company of the yellow banner. Landed in kitchers inlet. Looking for The Eye of Zaltec. Trying to free the star fallen from the Ghost Lantern . Members – lord Brixton , leader, knight from Cormyr, 1 with goats head, Devlin Bashir, wizard from caloshite, dwarf cleric, Bravus Boulderhorn, dragonborn paladin, seph, full name 7Sepherius . Seward , ranger looks after the ghost lantern. Biff Longsteel , fighter I like to make jokes, I am not very clever, I am very loyal, I like women, I have asked about lord Brixton's sword lots, I am trusted, I am always first for the fight”   As night falls the temperature rises continuously as does the rain. Night passes smoothly.

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