The Company of the Yellow Banner Organization in Chult | World Anvil
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The Company of the Yellow Banner

A group of adventurers who have brought and ancient lamp to chult. They currently seek the The Eye of Zaltec which they will use to resurrect the creature bound within the lamp (The Eye of Zaltec and the Spirit Lantern).   From notes found in a campsite south of Orolunga (Murder Site of Biff Longsteel) suggest the group landed in kitchers Inlet, looking for The Eye of Zaltec, trying to free the Star Fallen from the ghost lantern   Current known members are:   Brixton  *Leader - Knight*   Bravus Boulderhorn *Cleric* The Guardians of the Gate came across a note left out in the jungle along with supplies.   Devlin Bashir *Wizard*   Sepherius  *Paladin*   Seward  *Ranger*   Biff Longsteel  *fighter - Deceased, Murder Site of Biff Longsteel*


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