Chult A tropical storm
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A tropical storm


• A tropical storm • A hot day • The Guardians of the Gate do nothing

Next morning, Lomar has decided to return to Camp Vengence. So they depart. Yesne asks him to say hi to Inete, and pass on that she found some red robed people and they were dead. The temperature has risen again. It is raining hard and windy. It is a tropical storm. A tree branch breaks and hits into Bjorn, Kailyn and Yesne. Fang manages to find somewhere to hide – in amongst some trees and Yesne creates a tiny hut. We hear what must be a huge dinosaur travel past.   The storm ends. The temperature is over 40 degrees and it is now only light rain. As it is so hot, the party remain in the hut. Fang and Bjorn go and find some food. Fang finds a nest of eggs. When looking around Fang spots in the tree axe marks hacked into it. He takes a few of the eggs.   The temperature towards nightfall begins to drop but another tropical storm comes. Yesne continues to cast Tiny Hut to keep the party comfortable and dry.   Yesne sends a message to Lomar Dral ‘is everything ok in this weather. Love you. Yesne ’…. ‘all I can say is, thank goodness for that hut’.   During the night, 3 predator dinosaurs come within distance of the hut. Kailyn musters all his mental strength to not throw a marble bomb at them. The night passes.

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