The Jungles of Chult Building / Landmark in Chult | World Anvil
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The Jungles of Chult

A peninsula far south of Faeraun, with exceptionally hot weather and wet (highly tropical). Completely uncharted, full of exotic materials & animals. Weeks away from the location we have started in. Only the coastline has been mapped out, changes within the world Chult that was once an island but is now a peninsula.
  No roads lead into Chult due to the dense mountains and jungle, meaning the only methods to enter are by ship or by magic.
  A mismatch of civilizations, with adventurers and wanderers setting up encampments, talks of large lizards and predator-like reptiles the sizes of horses. There is talk of a higher degree of undead, with a curse found within the inner part of the peninsula.
  Volcanoes, jungles, rivers, sheer cliffs. The walls of the mountains from the north south and east, Unsure which is upstream and downstream, sudden surges from drops and waterfalls. The safest entry points into the peninsula are through the ports.
  The inner parts are a breeding ground from blood sucking insects, carnivorous birds, reptiles, and undead rooting from a cataclysm from a time ago. The deeper in from the coast the more humid and inhospitable. Many hidden treasures within the uncharted jungles.


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