Chult Day 30 - Down the river in a canoe (or two)
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Day 30 - Down the river in a canoe (or two)

16/6 -2:00

In the morning, Undril Silvertusk is there a bit dishevelled/disorganised but ready and seemingly a bit nervous. Message received that Inete is waiting at the canoes. Go through the old city gates, there seems to be a sort of gladiator pit, this is the The Executioners Run. Find our way to the coastal area. The canoes are there. Azaka Stormfang and Inete are there. We slowly push out to the water in our canoes. We turn the canoes south and enter the river mouth and make our way down for a day and start to negotiate the tributaries into the jungle again down the River Shoshenstar.