The Order of the Gauntlet Organization in Chult | World Anvil
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The Order of the Gauntlet

They are in chult to rid the peninsula of the undead, but it is a losing battle. They are undead hunters, vowing to protect others to protect others. They bring the strength of their faith against all evil and villainy.   Established a camp, near the aldarney basin. Many lost their lives; this was Camp Righteous. The camp was overrun by the undead, but undaunted they built a new base Camp Vengeance and even though they lost the last base. As a big fuck you, they put Camp Vengeance even deeper into the jungle.   They have now set up camp Vengeance instead.   Rumours in the bathhouses “are they actually ready, its all well and good to be in your shiny armour in a plain field…but not the jungle”.   Choose the location for Camp Rigtheous, they were very interested in the temple there known as “The Shrine of the Crocodile”. No one knows what is in the heart of the temple as it is heavily trapped and despite their curiosity the members of The Gauntlet couldnt get inside   Commander Breakbone made a mistake (but Undril), no defences were made around teh campe and potentially arrogance lead to the downfall of the camp itself. They were ill prepapared, which lead to a couple of months previous the camp being wiped out when hundreds of undead overran the camp.   They then made an attempt to retake the camp, but it was deemed irrecoverable and the second camp was set up even further into the jungle. In addition, Commander Breakbone set up the second camp with some lessons having being learnt.   Currently known memebrs:   Undril Silvertusk


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