Chult No-one escapes the wrath of Lolth's Fangs
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No-one escapes the wrath of Lolth's Fangs

25/6 900:00

• Dead Monkey & Nisus Innocence • Dead Drow • Happy Party

It is warm and lightly raining. When we leave the hut all the insects after the 20ft barrier start heading towards Kailyn, he quickly retreats and realises he needs to retrace his steps of the maze to switch the effect off. We begin to follow Fang's guidance. Nisus sets off foraging and sees a small winged, elongated monkey-like creature, Kologo. He picks it up and slits it throat.   The land begins to slope, Bjorn notices a breeze on his face and a strange smell. Fang follows the breeze to investigate and comes across a leg, bloated. Upon investigate, she sees a bit of torso and it is wearing armour. Black leather armour, web like filigree on it. Fang comes back to tell the party, he takes Kailyn to go and investigate. The corpse is very bloated. They uncover the body up to the face, it is Elven, of onyx skin with white braided hair. Looks to be male. They turn over the body and find an intricate looking, finely crafted dart in it’s neck. It looks like it came from a miniature crossbow. Kailyn realises this is a dark elf / drow, they tend to live miles underground. Known to be truly sadistic, evil in nature.   Fang continues to follow the breeze, and comes across a slight clearing. In the centre are 4 more bodies and in the centre a perfectly cut 5ft hole – which descends to darkness. On the ground around it are markings burnt/etched around it into the ground.   Kailyn investigates the 4 bodies, 1 appears to be a native Chultan (wearing studded leather armour). They appear to be less adventuring party and more surviving the jungle. They too have darts in their necks or backs and slash marks. Seems like they were running away from whatever killed them.   Yesne tries to read the etchings – seems to be a shorthand version of elvish, with dwarven similarities. It states, “no one escapes the wrath of Lloth's Fangs”. Nisus recognises Lloth as The Spider Queen – an evil goddess, the only one worshipped by all Drow (Drow in Chult).   Fang cooks a delicious meal from the monkey and we continue to progress. Fang finds a relatively decent shelter amongst some outcropped rocks. We set out the rain catchers and make camp for the night.   In the direction we are heading, Fang notices, way off in the distance (about a day off), a large, intense brief flash of golden/molten red and yellow light.

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