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Elf Cuisine

There are many tales among those that ride heavy horses, who have dedicated themselves to withholding the Elvish Incursions. These stories of the strange, bitter meat, and the implications that they are consuming the flesh of their captured enemies are common and spread widely. However, these stories were adapted from a true story which took place in a small village, near the Sun-Kissed mountains. In truth, the sweat tasting meat that they consume is that of the horses no longer useful, whether injured, or too old to continue riding.   The Elves are mostly isolationists, who keep to themselves and are rarely seen on their own. Yet even among those haughty peoples there are some which commit grievous and unforgivable crimes and are as such banished from the fold. One of these left with an entourage of followers, and quickly assumed control over a several small villages. With strange magic, they built a keep unlike anything that the people had seen before within a week. The new Elven Lord taxed the people severely and placed several cruel laws over them, though this was nothing compared to their other evils. On certain holidays the Elf would ride through the fields and in his villages until he could capture a young peasant girl. She would be taken back to his keep to be sacrificed, only to be tossed away the next morning unceremoniously. This happened for years, as the peasants held to the belief that if they waited long enough, that the Elf would die, or simply get tired and move on. The first generation passed, and their children did the same. The third generation began to voice their doubts and suspicions, but it was the fourth generation that saw the truth behind it.   The peasantry waited in ambush for the drawbridge to be lowered, and the gates opened. When the Elf rode out, every able bodied individual from the nearby villages charged forth, frothing and screaming. Many ran without weapons, other went with clubs, or tools from their profession. They threw themselves recklessly against the superior weaponry of the tyrants, and the dark magic that they possessed. However, it was a Pyrrhic victory, and the Elf Lord was captured. The people, starving and rage filled, took the Elf and all that were within the castle, and cast them into large pots, consuming them.


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