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Takis [unknown] (a.k.a. Shadow Stepper)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite his age, Takis appears to be in his mid thirties. He has a square jaw, and a stocky frame. Despite his height, he stands shorter than many of the other Taionos.

Body Features

His body is covered with scars, and he is quite hairy.

Facial Features

Takis rarely shows his face, though like many others, his features show the effects of the burning helm.

Identifying Characteristics

He has a tattoo of a winged bull on his left shoulder, the symbol of the god he served before joining the cult.

Apparel & Accessories

A belt with the depiction of a skull on the buckle, and a helmet with purple plumes.

Specialized Equipment

A short sword, with the depiction of a scorpions tail on the pommel.
A small brass cage, large enough to carry a bird, though dented.
A copper coin with the engraving of a winged bull crossed out.
A Drak Bird, stolen before his 'rebirth'

Mental characteristics

Personal history

There is little known about Takis and his youth. Born a peasant, long before the Sundering, Takis was raised in a small town. Despite his humble upbringing, there was much entertainment to be had. From a young age he witnessed the brutality found within the local arenas, as criminals, slaves, and degenerates killed one another for the entertainment of the people. His father, a bread maker, wanted to give his family a better life. So he began going to the games more often, spending more than he ought, and taking loans from local lenders. One day his father never came home, and Takis saw the outcome of failing alone. Ultimately, it was decided that Takis had to work to sustain his family. In the day he worked, carrying stones and aiding with carpenters, while at night he would steal anything that looked of value, as he walked the streets alone.   His potential was cut short because of his circumstances. Wrongfully mistreated, and his life spiraling out of his control, he became more desperate. He stole in the day, and actively sought out those that he could target, memorizing patterns of behavior. As he turned seventeen, he realized that there was nothing else he could really do for his family. The other were old enough to work. Besides, with one less mouth to feed, they would be alright. With a heavy heart he left them, leaving behind a substantial amount of gold. Takis fully devoted himself to the life of a criminal. He joined with an established gang, so if he was caught the guards could be bribed, and he would not face the arena. The days were long, and his heart was heavy as he performed the menial jobs which no one else would lower themselves for. Despising these people, he left to pursue his own destiny.   Almost as though a prayer was answered, there was an opportunity for improvement. It was a time of lawlessness, and what had helped secure his abilities as a criminal also showed a means to escape. The Cult of the Living Flame sought him out, and he was taught the secrets which they claimed only they knew. He suffered, but was accepted into the cult. Years of raids, of unjust killing slowly effected him, making him desensitized to what he was doing. Over the years he would raid, and burn what he could not have. The only things he carried was a blade, a single coin, and a strange bird he couldn't bear to burn.   Takis was aboard a ship when he and his companions were lost in time, just after witnessing the cataclysm.   Recently he has awoken, and his true story has begun.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Takis was a fundamental believer in the Flame, and was well respected for his consistent sacrifices to the fires. Unlike others, who kept their own share, everything he had was given, save his weapon and helmet.

Mental Trauma

Takis was late to be 'reborn', as some called it, or reawakened. As such, he had far less time to become re-accustomed to being alive than others. What should have been his end still haunts him to this day.

Intellectual Characteristics

Unlike many of his kin, Takis is very curious as to how the world works in this modern age. However, his logic is that he must never leave the island, for his kind bring nothing but destruction with them.

Morality & Philosophy

Never forget or forgive what has wronged you, for neither will your enemies.   Repay what you are given straight away. Take an eye for an eye, and repay a favor for a favor. Do not let any hold power over you this way.   Weakness must be despised, and forsaken. Emotions are weakness, whether good or bad. Only a fool shows whats in their heart.   Never show your true nature. Keep it hidden under your mask.

Personality Characteristics


Takis wants nothing more than to train himself to be better at swordsmanship, and self control. If he is capable of helping another in this struggle, de does so willingly.   Taki's true desire is to live as peacefully as possible if he is able to.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Takis is excellent at avoiding people, and has never been one to get too close or tied down.

Likes & Dislikes

Takis has been trying to relearn those things which he enjoyed before joining the cult. He spends his time fishing as much as possible, and exploring new areas. He has been known to go hiking for hours at a time. Sometimes these hikes last for several days. Distant thunder and light rain are beautiful to him, though mist and foggy mornings make him uncomfortable. He enjoys spending time with others, though he would much prefer the company of an animal. He enjoys reading letters more than speaking.   Large crowds and ignorant people are both a pain to him. He dislikes the boastful, proud, and those that claim things without the authority to back them up.

Virtues & Personality perks

Work hard, and Takis will approve of you. He is loyal to a flow, and will attempt to bring harmony within himself, and to his surroundings as often as possible. Although he dislikes doing it, he will aid just about anyone with whatever they need, without expecting repayment.

Vices & Personality flaws

Although his intentions are to help others, he has grown to actively dislike the company found by most people around him. As such, he often chooses to be alone and can come off as being quite rude to some people.   Takis is prone to drinking, and suffers from nightmare of being followed by an old friend.


Contacts & Relations

Takis has a very limited number of friends hailing from the small villages that he finds shelter in. While most follow the Flame, there are those who don't, and those that are sympathetic to their cause. However, due to the risks it brings, it is better to not make acquaintances or friends. Takis is currently trying to leave these.
Takis has more than a few enemies, most of which are those which sailed with him under the banner of the Flame. However, there are none more vehemently opposed to him than Arakas, his former best friend. In dreams Takis sees the fires of his former god circle around him, and in the heat he sees Arakas, glaring at him with a rage that burns hotter than what is around him.

Family Ties

Takis is the last member of his bloodline.

Religious Views

Despite being deeply religious in his past, Takis has fully denounced his former god. Now he seeks after the truth, questioning all the beliefs that are presented to him in his search.

Social Aptitude

Takis has grown significantly over the years. Once a fanatic warrior, he has grown into a modest and purposefully humble individual. Although he was originally an introverted person, he has become far less outgoing, and chooses to keep only a few close friends at a time.

Hobbies & Pets

There are two black cats which seem to follow Takis around. He still isn't entirely sure to who they belong to, or what their names are. It doesn't matter to him, who they are or where they came from, for their daily visits offer him much needed companionship.   Takis spends much of his time fishing, and collecting interesting looking stones from the shores. He enjoys the occasional swim, but hasn't done so in a long time.

Wealth & Financial state

Takis never had much wealth, for he followed a more 'orthodox' teaching of the Living Flame, which taught that there was no use to riches. To fully serve his god he had to burn all that was able to be burnt.
Current Status
Currently looking for a better fishing spot.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
[Formerly] Chosen of the Flame
Date of Birth
26th of the Month of the Dreaming Bear.
Current Residence
A small village, not found on any official maps.
A watery dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Questioning [Formerly of the Cult of the Flame]
Known Languages
Takis speaks two dead languages.


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