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The Monasian School

The Monasian School for Slayers is the most sought-after institution by those who wish to make a difference in these turbulent lands. Stories are regaled by the common folk, and those who travel the highways, about these schools and how they have changed the lives of the youth for the better. Most parents and caring guardians seek to enroll their children in these fine halls when they come of age. The school also sees many older individuals signing up, and attempting to prove their potential to the enrolling scouts. Yet all of this must remain hidden from the outsiders, locked away in secrecy and lies, for there is jealousy and unreasonable hatred by neighboring kingdoms.   Of course, The Eight Paths of a Slayer are not for everyone. Many balk at the work required, or the sacrifices that must occassionally be made. However, the life of a Slayer promises wealth, adventure, and whatever the heart may desire. Vengeance, fame, or gold. All is ripe for the taking. Once again the greatness found within the stories of the old days can be lived once more. All this is for only a small admission fee.    
The Floors creaked as we entered the school for the first time. Favius and I were in our early twenties, and looking back at it most of the others were around our age too. There were a few older ladies and a boy of only fifteen. Each had a book or relic to burn in the fires, and a philosophy to denounce.


The Slayers School is divided into two very distinct types of people, though there are many variations between them. It all, ultimately, comes down to a single question. 'Would it be better to fight a bugbear-sized goblin or four goblin-sized bugbears'. Although this is not the only way to sort the students in a distinguishable way, questions like these help to determine the calling of the student. Whatever way the student is called allows for a four-period day. Three of the possible classes are determined by the student's aptitudes and personality, while the fourth (and mandatory) is a joint class.   Those who would rather fight one larger foe are brought into specialized classes, determined by their overarching personalities. The Study of Great Beasts, The Art of the Pack, and The Research of the Seven Mystics. These forms of education involve strength basic defense and maneuverability against a much larger foe. The teachers and students are more extroverted than their counterparts, emphasizing the purpose of communication and teamwork in the face of adversaries.   Contrarily, those who would find themselves more comfortable facing off against the many are taught in separate classes, learning from the best. Stalking the Night, The Study of Will Breaking, and Researching Lesser Races is paramount to any study. This form of education is more associated with dexterity, weaving through crowds, and determining where to apply the natural strength to overcome their foes. Many of these are believed to be more introverted, as they do not focus on distracting enemies or communicating with their teams.   Both groups, however, intermingle quite often despite the 'natural difference between the two. Many, if not most, share common elements between both ideologies. These students are bound together in common areas, where they share massive joint classes on the supernatural and occult. The gods, the students are taught, are not what the masses believe them to be. The gods may be undeniably real, but they have no power or true bearing on the people's lives. To denounce the gods is to attain true freedom, and the first step in gaining magic beyond anyone's expectations, the power found within that can only be reached by the self. The gods have never, and will never answer.


Secrecy and suspicion are what bind the students of this school together. While being a place of pure unfettered learning, those who apply must have an open mind, a cynical worldview, and a healthy distrust of their fellow students.   The further into the education that one attains, the harder it becomes to maintain good relationships with their peers. This is enforced by the school's policies, namely the recognition program. This allows for the top students to receive far greater discounts on the steep price of this school. Most would do anything to be recognized by the managing staff.                    
Skill NeededCharacteristicDiscount Given
Cunning Charisma
(15 or higher)
Beast-Handling Wisdom
(15 or higher)
Arcana Intelligence
(15 or higher)
Stealth and Physical Capabilities Strength/Dexterity
(15 or higher)

Public Agenda

The school promises to not only train the youth in ways to prepare for the many monstrosities that they are ultimately bound to encounter. Those who prove brave enough can gain partnerships, and the skills needed to make this a feasible career.


The Mythsian Empire has been and remains a stalwart supporter of this school. Their funding has kept the old schools alive as long as they were and allowed for the newest ones to thrive.   Former students are also well known for bringing in captured prey; whether it be beasts, creatures riddled with mutations, or monstrosities. This allows for the school to retain money, and for the next generation to have a far better understanding of what they are studying. It also helps with their student debts.   Lastly, a volunteer force of Monster Breeders remains underground during the duration of the school year. There, within the semi-organized mazes, they not only breed monstrosities but grow edible fungi. These monsters are trained as pets for certain classes, before being dissected by their handlers.


In the South of the Mythsian Empire lies one of several vassals; The Kingdom of Mona. Mona, like the others, is responsible for one major import for the Empire. Dedicating themselves to researching magic, the schools are run with the intention of their top students eventually finding their way into the lands of the Empire.   At least two schools have been built in recent history, and subsequently destroyed by outside kingdoms. A good omen surrounds this school, for twins smile favorably upon the land this year.


This organization has been dissolved twice over. Each time this has resulted in it being built anew in a different location, and filled with new staff. Although there are rumors that this occurrence has happened more than twice, it still draws in many students. The appeal of danger and mystery is strong.


Galthak Principal
Nemesa Vice-Principal
WIP Professor
WIP Professor
WIP Professor
WIP Professor
WIP Janitor
I overheard many older students talking when they thought no one was around. I drank every word, every ounce of forbidden knowledge that they spoke. There was more to this school than we were led to believe. Below ground was another world. There was a newness that could be gifted to any who truly desired it.


Rooms were built in semi-circles around the main building, with stores for convenience every couple hundred steps. Flat roofs and nearly indistinguishable faces from the outside allowed for a sense of equality, and a greater sense of confusion. Ladders were abundant, and wooden pathways lined the tops of each house. Travel was made much faster that way. However, the uneven footing has resulted in many terrible, and avoidable accidents throughout the years. Many rising stars have seen their dreams dashed upon the stony ground.  
Favius has invited me to meet him on the roofs near the southern banks. It's a quiet spot, especially this time of night.


Infrenus a Fanatismo

Founding Date
237 ViN
Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
Academy of the Dark Arts,
Student (Monasian Drakes)
Ruling Organization
Tuition Cost:
1000gp per year.

with an additional
500gp (Innitial Donation)
500gp (Accomedations/Living Space)


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