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Academics use their education and knowledge from extensive studies to make a living and achieve their life's ambitions. Academics are generally held in higher regard than most other backgrounds, as their skills are sought after by the wealthy and powerful. Academics make great researchers, investigators, and versatile problem-solvers.

Skill Proficiencies: Choose one from Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Religion.
Languages: Choose one standard and one exotic.
Equipment: A bottle of black ink, a quill, a letter opener, parchment, and 10gp.


Antiquarians are fascinated with history and identifying ancient artifacts and texts. They gather rare and lost items to add to their collections. Antiquarians' skill with identifying the properties of artifacts makes them adept problem solvers, especially when ancient artifacts and languages are involved.
Skill Proficiency: History
Additional Equipment: A fine brush, a magnifying lens, and a small wooden crate to store relics.

Insightful Discovery

Upon spending an hour observing or examining a subject, and succeeding on a medium-DC Intelligence(History) check, you can uncover the purpose and uses of any object, language, cultural practice, or similar subject. The features of magic items you investigate in this manner are revealed to you without you needing to attune to them.


Archivists are dedicated to the recording and preservation of knowledge. Archivists are often tasked with scouring tomes for errors and falsehoods, because to an archivist there is no greater sin than the recording of lies. Great Archivists often become well respected scholars, holding great power over the future of a kingdom. Regardless, Archivists are often sought out by other Academics, who collaborate with them to complete their own work in related fields.
Skill Proficiency: Investigation
Additional Equipment: An ink pen, a bottle of ink, a tin of pounce powder.

Academic References

Upon spending an hour and succeeding on a medium-DC Intelligence(Investigation) check, you can find a contact within a library, academy, or place of knowledge. This contact begins as friendly to you and will answer questions you have regarding research.  


Your skills in healing the sick and injured have given you a vast knowledge of illnesses and remedies based on the latest science. Your calm bedside manner and natural aptitude for concocting medicines make you an effective healer.
Skill Proficiency: Medicine
Additional Equipment: A bag filled with medicinal herbs, pestle and mortar, bandages, needle and thread, jar of leeches.

Medical Diagnosis

Upon spending an hour examining a creature, and succeeding on a medium-DC Wisdom (Medicine) check, you can find the exact cause of the creature's illness, injury, or death. Additionally, you become aware of how to cure the ailment, if a non magical cure exists. This does not include magical diseases such as the contagion spell.
The information regarding the ranks of these professions as well as your holdings and how to progress are in the book and can be requested from the GM.

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