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The clergy represents those who devote their lives to working within religious institutions. The clergy are respected members within the social hierarchy in regions where their religion is prominent. Clergymen make effective orators, acolytes, and religious crusaders.
Skill Proficiencies: Choose one from History, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion
Languages: Choose one standard and one of: Abyssal, Celestial, or Infernal.
Equipment: A holy symbol, a prayer book or divine text, vestments, and 15gp.


You are a servant of an organized branch of religious enforcers who hunt down heretics and blasphemers within your own faith, and cultists of sinister powers. Divine justice does not discriminate, and you have mercilessly punished crimes both mundane and supernatural - a task that comes with little glory. You are deadly efficient in bringing the sinful to heel. However, corruption is rife within the Inquisition itself due to the Order's power and authority, and those found guilty are likewise treated without mercy.
Skill Proficiency: Intimidation
Additional Equipment: A set of manacles, a copy of the text Sins of the Heretic, a leather strap.

Eradicate Heresy

Upon spending an hour, and succeeding on a medium-DC Charisma(Intimidation) check, you can find an informant and extract information. The informant will divulge information regarding the location of local cults, witch covens, and other enemies of the Divine. 


Religions need devout orators to bring new members into the fold, or reinforce the faith of the faltering. Preachers can inspire the righteous, protect the weak, or incite dread in the unfaithful by speaking clearly and passionately about the faith they serve. These rhetoricians of the divine are not dissuaded by material wealth or hidden lore; instead, they seek good repute and new converts to their deity. Preachers recruit adherents to their religion through personal devotion and overt exhibitions of piety, charity, and charisma.
Skill Proficiency: Persuasion
Additional Equipment: Flyers displaying propaganda, a box to stand on.

Propagate Agenda

Upon spending an hour speaking publicly, and succeeding on a medium-DC Charisma (Persuasion) check, you can influence the thoughts and opinions of locals. This could be used to heighten the common people's fear of magic, or bring comfort and peace to those who share the same faith.


Priests lead the common people in the teachings of their deities. They are the figureheads and leaders in the temples and shrines where they preach, providing guidance, atonement, and hope for the downtrodden. Priests often hold positions of considerable influence within their communities, and are treated with reverence among common fold and nobility alike.
Skill Proficiency: Religion
Additional Equipment: 5 sticks of incense and an alms box, religious medallion stamped with the divine word.

Religious Hierarchy

Upon spending an hour proving your knowledge of the divine, and succeeding on a medium-DC Intelligence (Religion) check, you can find a contact within the local clergy. This contact begins as friendly to you and will answer questions you have regarding religion, the clergy's agenda, and local religious matters.
The information regarding the ranks of these professions as well as your holdings and how to progress are in the book and can be requested from the GM.

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