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Criminals serve and thrive off the seedy underbelly of society. While many people run afoul of the law, this background is for people who make their livelihoods entirely outside honoredsociety, Criminals often hide their true profession from others.
Skill Proficiencies: Choose one from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, Stealth.
Languages: Thieves' Cant
Tool Proficiencies: Thieves' tools.
Equipment: Thieves' tools, fake currency in a drawstring pouch to deter pickpockets, a set of dark common clothes including a hood, and 15 gp.


Charlatans can be seen in most markets separating fools from their hard-earned coin, and there is no shortage of fools. Some choose instead to exploit the upper class, claiming that the ignorance of spoilt children is far more lucrative, if a little riskier. Ranging from the lowliest of hustlers selling miracle cure-alls to the most audacious con artists, all charlatans have a knack for fooling those unfortunate enough to cross their paths.
Skill Proficiency: Deception
Additional Equipment: A lockbox with a secret compartment, a forged Merchant's Guild membership certificate, imitation fine clothes.

False Identity

Upon spending an hour writing and talking to the right people, and succeeding on a medium-DC Charisma (Deception) check, you can create yourself a new identity with fake identification.


Some crooks lie to get what they want. Some steal it when its owner isn’t looking. Then there are those who walk up to a target and explain the deal: give me what I want or bad things will happen to you. Call it “protection” or call it extortion, it is perhaps the most straightforward favoredruthless. Most Cutthroats start out working in a preestablished gang, collecting fees and extracting payments on behalf of a boss. A small gang might be responsible for shaking down a handful of businesses, while the most powerful of crime lords may influence prominent cities or regions.
Skill Proficiency: Intimidation
Additional Equipment: A kidskin bad of loaded dice, a snuff box, a pocket watch that runs five minutes fast.

Underground Connections

Upon spending an hour asking around, and succeeding on a medium-DC Charisma (Intimidation) check, you can prove your credibility and find a contact in a local gang, Thieves’ Guild, or underground network. This contact begins as friendly to you and will assist you with matters related to their criminal endeavors.


Burglars break into and steal from houses, storefronts, and warehouses, primarily operating out of major cities and ports. While thieving is a risky pursuit, the hardest part can be finding a buyer for rare and valuable items. The more unique the good, the more likely its original owner will want it returned, cutting your profit margin considerably. Goods and valuables generally need to be sold through a fence: someone who will purchase your stolen goods, sell them to unknowing customers, and take a cut of your profits.
Skill Proficiency: Perception
Additional Equipment: a grappling hook and rope, kidskin gloves, glass cutter, a vial of flour


Upon spending an hour observing it, and successfully completing a medium-DC Wisdom (Perception) check, you can map the general layout of a building. This includes the guard routes and rotation times, building entrances and exits, and the potential locations of valuables.
The information regarding the ranks of these professions as well as your holdings and how to progress are in the book and can be requested from the GM.

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