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Generating Ability Scores

The world of Cinder feeds into a Neutral-Dark Theme, people feel weak and helpless, and the world is not fair. We reflect and reinforce this in how we generate the ability scores. We have two methods for generating scores that each player can choose between.

Modified Standard Array

This modified standard array slightly weakens the characters from the normal standard array, and reinforces the idea that your character may be very good at one thing and bad at another. For those of you that think this is a huge change from the normal standard array, it simply changes the average ability score from 12 to 11.7.
  • 17, 13, 12, 11, 10, 7

Rolling Individually

If you don't want to do the standard array, you can test lady fate and roll 4d6 and drop the lowest and do that for each ability score. There is no minimum cutoff for ability scores here, so while you could end up with very low scores, statistically this outperforms both the normal and modified standard array with an average ability score of 12.9. If you choose to do this method, you cannot go back and choose the standard array, you have to stick with what you get, no complaining.
Did you end up with low stats? Don't get bummed, characters with weaknesses are the most dramatic characters of all(not to mention, they're also fun to play)!

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