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Militarists either work within a formal military structure, or fight for pay on an individual basis. Militarists are often respected or feared, organizationHigh-ranking Militarists are often paid handsomely, as their skills can decide battles or even wars. Lower-level Militarists make great warriors, mercenaries, and guards. It is not unheard of for militaristic individuals to accompany adventurers on dangerous missions. These tasks are said to keep the mind sharp and skills honed, especially in times of relative peace.
Skill Proficiency: Choose one from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Survival
Tool Proficiency: One type of gaming set.
Equipment: A gaming set you are proficient with, an insignia detailing your rank within a military organization, and 10gp.

Free Sword

Free Swords are commonly referred to as mercenaries, taking jobs that the local forces can’t handle. Mercenaries may be the only hope of villages looking for defenders against raiders, overextended sheriffs chasing powerful fugitives, and small merchants traveling dangerous byroads. Larger mercenary companies win wars on behalf of cities and kings. They fight for coin above all else, exacting little honor from the contracts they accept.
Skill Proficiency: Intimidation
Additional Equipment: Moleskin gloves, grappling net, a hip flask of hard liquor.

Independent Contractor

Upon spending an hour loitering within a town, and succeeding on a medium DC-Charisma (intimidation) check, your intimidating presence draws offers of employment to you. As long as you are not trying to conceal your presence, jobs befitting a Free Sword Mercenary will find you. You can find mercenary and adventuring jobs only available to Free Sword licence-holders. These jobs typically pay more than a standard contract of their type. Free Sword guilds take a 5% cut as a guild fee.


Public officers of the law in cities and large settlements, Guards protect the populace from the dangers both inside and outside the walls. If it looks like guards spend their time loitering and playing cards, its because most of the time the mere presence of a guard is enough to make petty criminals move along. Guards occupy a variety of stations, ranging from lowly bar bouncers to royal men-at-arms who protect the royal family and their most prized possessions.
Skill Proficiency: Perception
Additional Equipment: Manacles, pipe and tobacco box, a badge of office.


Upon spending an hour asking around, and succeeding on a medium-DC Wisdom (Perception) check, you can find a contact within the local constabulary or guard hierarchy. This contact begins as friendly to you and will answer questions you have regarding local wanted criminals, law enforcement, and ongoing or previous investigations.


Getting into the army isn’t the hard part, staying alive is. Every nation and culture has their own notions about what makes a good soldier, and who they look to to fill their ranks. As a soldier, you don’t just know fighting – you know war. Being a soldier involves much more than individual combat prowess. Winning a battle depends on discipline, teamwork, tactics, and a great deal of marching and logistical work that the epics rarely mention.
Skill Proficiency: Athletics
Additional Equipment: A trophy from your first battle, a letter from your family or a loved one, standard issue soldier's garb, service medallion signifying rank.

Combat Drills

Upon spending an hour, and succeeding on a medium-DC Strength (Athletics) check, you can run training drills and gain an accurate estimate of the drilled humanoids' combat capabilities, as well as any equipment or fortifications they use. You determine the most suitable strategy to improve their capabilities in the short term as well as the best way to train them for the long term.
The information regarding the ranks of these professions as well as your holdings and how to progress are in the book and can be requested from the GM.

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