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Outlanders are people who live their lives away from civilization. Some have chosen a life of isolation, while others have been exiled from society. Outlanders are renowned for hardiness and self-sufficiency, but distrusted by most civilized people.
Skill Proficiencies: Choose one from Animal Handling, Athletics, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Stealth, Survival.
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit.
Languages: Choose one standard.
Equipment: Common clothes, tinder box, several torches, waterskin, a hatchet, a herbalism kit, and 5 gp.

Beast Hunter

Hunters make their living by trapping, hunting, and killing vicious beasts. Some provide meat and furs for settlements, or for trade. The strongest may become a community’s best defense against wandering monsters.. They are often as brutish as the creatures they hunt, heavily scarred from close encounters with their prey. They are proficient in setting many different traps, from simple snares to spring-loaded traps and cages. The beast hunter typically favors ranged weapons when taking down larger prey, avoiding close range where possible. Some favor stealth, lying patiently in ambush, while others revel in the thrill of the chase. Beast hunters have a natural aptitude for tracking all manner of beasts, quickly noticing signs that an animal has passed by, down to an exact time and direction of travel.
Skill Proficiency: Survival
Additional Equipment: a net, a hunting trap, 30 feet of rope, one vial of pheromones or a pouch of bait.

Track Quarry

Upon spending an hour examining your surroundings, and succeeding on a medium- DC Wisdom (Survival) check, you can track the movements of creatures that have passed through the area. You can ascertain the exact time and direction a creature went, if you are familiar with the type of creature.


There is still land where no humanoid has lived before, and Pioneers are the hardy folk who set out to tame that land for the first time. You’ve learned to hunt the forest game, cultivate crops of wild flora and collect water from natural streams where fish swim abundant. You have weathered punishing storms, migrations, and harsh winters. You and yours have adapted to the environment. Everything you own is built with your own two hands, and your aptitude in working with natural materials has provided you with shelter, tools, and clothing.
Skill Proficiency: Nature
Additional Equipment: A shovel, a hammer and nails, a saw, spare leather, a needle and thread.

Handyman by Necessity

Upon spending an hour in the outdoors, and succeeding on a medium-DC Intelligence (Nature) check, find the necessary materials (provided there are any nearby) to mend any mundane item.


Explorers pursue an isolated lifestyle traversing the wilds, driven by wanderlust or the orders of a distant patron. For an Explorer, there is no greater pursuit than to discover the lost, forgotten, and unseen reaches of the world. They may travel unaccompanied or with companions, establishing large encampments in remote areas that others would deem uninhabitable. Explorers are often employed by rulers who wish to know more about the world.
Skill Proficiency: Survival
Additional Equipment: a compass, mapmaking tools including a quill, ink, parchment, calipers, and a ruler.

Known Shelters

Upon spending an hour searching, and succeeding on a medium-DC Wisdom (Survival) check, you can determine the direction and approximate location of the nearest humanoid settlement. This includes people who might not be accommodating such as bandits, druids, and hostile cultures. The inhabitants of the location are initially friendly to you and your allies, and they will let you seek shelter and trade among them.
The information regarding the ranks of these professions as well as your holdings and how to progress are in the book and can be requested from the GM.

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