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Seafarers make their living by sailing or gathering from the sea. Seafarers often start as poor and disrespected members of society. However, at higher ranks, they gain considerable holdings. The sea has much to give, but it can quickly take everything away as well.
Skill Proficiencies: Choose one from Athletics, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Survival.
Tool Proficiencies: Navigator's tools, vehicles (water)
Languages: Choose one standard and one exotic
Equipment: Common clothes, a belaying pin, thread and a blunt needle, a bucket of tar, and 10gp.


Free from the grueling class structures of the mainland, Sailors learn not to fear the laws of society, only the harsh temper of a storm and the stern discipline of a Boatswain. Sailors find talking to other seafarers second-nature, and are often able to secure passage for themselves and their companions in exchange for their skills. For all sailors know, a man of the sea is a friend indeed.
Skill Proficiency: Perception
Additional Equipment: Sturdy clothes, a large sack, dice, a liquor flask.

Sea Passage

Upon spending an hour in a port, and succeeding on a medium-DC Wisdom (Perception) check, you can find a ship that you believe will provide free passage to a location of your choice, provided any ships are traveling to that location.

Dock Worker

Docks represent the hubs that drive commerce, travel, and exchange of culture. In every one are teams of hardy workers who load goods and supplies onto and off of the ships. From lowly Clerks, who check off goods to and from warehouses, to the mighty Sealord bureaucrats, they keep the machinery of the docks moving.
Skill Proficiency: Investigation
Additional Equipment: A leather strap, 30 feet of rope, a pulley, a box of snuff, a clipboard and quill.

Liberate Ledgers

Upon spending an hour asking around, and succeeding on a medium-DC Intelligence (Investigation) check, you know the comings and goings of ships, wagons and merchandise at the trade hub you are exploring. You can similarly discern where different types of goods are stored in any warehouse, including the contraband.

Sea Gatherer

The seas are dangerous and forbidding. From mighty sea monsters to treacherous weather, most avoid the oceans at all costs. However, those that are skilled enough, or desperate enough, find a living harvesting what they can from the sea. Most Sea Gatherers represent the poorest of the poor. However, they make up for this lack of wealth with a savvy sense for survival, and Sea Gatherers who survive often become renowned heroes, known for fighting monsters of the deep and exploring sunken ruins of old. All know that an elderly Sea Gatherer must be a mighty figure indeed.
Skill Proficiency: Survival
Additional Equipment: A bag filled with water weeds, a shellfish trap, a shucking knife, a pouch of bait, a straw sunhat.

Knowledge of the Seas

Upon spending an hour walking the shore, and succeeding on a medium-DC Wisdom (Survival) check, you can find the best locations to hunt and catch sea treasures in the nearby region. This can range from simple fishing to dangerous monster hunting or diving for wrecks and ruins.
The information regarding the ranks of these professions as well as your holdings and how to progress are in the book and can be requested from the GM.

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