
Amestris is one of two major military and political regions in the Chronum Empire. Both Amestris and Clover Kingdom publicly lay claim to being the Capitol of Chronum, though neither can claim sole political power over the entirety of the territory. Because of this, Amestris and Clover often act in ways to hamper the other in subtle ways.   Amestris is ruled by Fuhrer King Bradley. The region is known for three things in particular: Automail (mechanical replacement limbs), its military, and Alchemy.   Just recently, members of the Ishvalan Religion, which is known for its adamant opposition to the use of Alchemy as against the will of their god, engaged in an rebellion against the Amestrian Government. This incident marked the first time that the Amestrians deployed their State Alchemists as living weapons to rapidly and efficiently end the conflict. Since the end of this event, their have been whispers of factions being drawn within the military, many in opposition of the current leader.


Amestris is composed by a combination of plains and mountains with rivers and lakes winding through the terrain.


  • Amestris Region
    Regional map of Amestris with notable cities marked.
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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