Corran Dowenuth Character in Cirke | World Anvil
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Corran Dowenuth

Corran is an elderly male tortle with no hair on his black and red speckled skin. He works as a scribe on the docks of Sleekwach  and wears little beyond a long coat and oversized boots. He lives alone because of his grouchy tendencies to treat everyone poorly (including lovers). He lives in a small hut just off the docks where he works. His employer is slowly growing fed up with his antics, and Corran is just now starting to worry about his job security. He has a few... errands for the willing traveler to help an old Tortle out. -Short quest- Take a token to his most recent lover as an apology, and bring her back when she insists he should just talk to her himself. Help him write a letter of apology to his employer and perhaps sway him one way or another on delivering it immediately.   Possible outcome: Lover stays with him Lover leaves him (You failed the mission) Corran loses his job (You swayed him to wait on sending in the letter, or wrote a poor one) Corran will refuse to pay you at this point, and may even grow hostile if you push the point. Corran keeps his job, and his employer is happy. (You helped Corran write a great letter to his employer, and swayed him to turn it in right away, and his employer greatly appreciates this. The employer will take you to the side once you're finished and grant you his own reward.) +100 Karma points for helping him keep his job and his lover. -100 Karma points if you lose them both.


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