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Alt-Roller/Rinta Kusakabe/Rin Kusakabe

Alt-Roller is an alternet universe version of the Sbilings, Rin and Rinta Kusakabe.

The exact Character of this charcater is still in flux and under discussion (including wether they will actually be used at all) and their are also 3 different version currently.

1: Rin and Rinta are the same, Except that they have swapped personalities, and are also a meta comentary on the freeing nature of online aninimity. Rin will act like Prime Rin in public:Very shy, clumsy and quite. Online or whenever she Dawns her Ash-Roller Persona, she willbecome loud, crude, abrasive, ignore personal boundaries, and probably still be clumsy. In public Rinta will act big, intimidating, and protective of his little sister. online or in private He will be demure, shy, and soft spoken. In fact for this version Rinta might not appear in game at all. Problems with version: If Rin and Rinta have swapped personalites that means that Rin is into motorcylce racing and she might be too young for a license.

2: Rin and Rinta are the same, Except that they have swapped personalities, and ages, and are also a meta comentary on the freeing nature of online aninimity. Rin will act like Prime Rin in public:Very shy, clumsy and quite. Online or whenever she Dawns her Ash-Roller Persona, she will become loud, crude, abrasive, ignore personal boundaries, and probably still be clumsy. She will also have someow avoided the accident that put Rinta in a coma OR not avoided it and the CJM universe just imported her into the universe as if she hadn't been in the accident (If only it could have done the same for Rinta Poor Rinta) Rinta will act like Prime Rin does 24/7 cus hes now younger than Rin and it's cuter that way (but is that reductive tword Smol Rinta???). This version of Rinta might not NEED to appear in game, but I think it would be cute. Problems with version: If you where going to carry over the Rin has a crush on Haru Dynamic form the origonal accel world, there is a 6 year age difference between Rin and Rinta, and while we don't know Rins age in accel world but if we assume it's the same as Haru, that would make Alt-Roller like 20 and crushing on a 14 year old..... which isn't GREAT.

3: In this Version Rinta is trans and has a very different personality. She also has a much closer relation ship with Her sister Rin, who acts her main Uh, Afirmator?(Affirimitive person?), Eventually changin her name to Rin, Which I will spell as "RIN" for the rest of the article to avoid confussion since Rin doesn't change her name.

The point of this confussing Namin convention is to, Bury the lead, and present the siblings as age swapped version of Rinta and Rin (With Rin telling everyone that she's a young boy named "Rinta"), when their actually not.

In this version Rinta is the same except he's struggling with his gender identity and tells, NO ONE. Eventually Rinta recives a Nerul linker and is enticed to play some games where you mentally posess a ne body, specifcally so They can choose a female one. They are later devistated (And knowing them like angry about it) when they find that they can't use a female avatar as the avatar is made using data form your neruo linker and it loads your gender from that(If we wanted to add some melodrama, we could say that Rinta was going to put their gender as Female, or maybe other, but whoever sold them the Nerulinker set it for them and set it to Male. Either that or the Nerve linker can just tell what gender you are? but how would it do that...) (Also yes I WHOLSALE stole this plot from Digimon Cyber sluth. It was such a good mission)
Becuse Rinta is increadbly stubborn they look online for a way to bypass this, eventually finding a program someone wrote that can bypass the settings on the Neruo linker to bofuscate some of the biometric scanning and allows you to replace it with different information. While it IS possible to replace the information manually, Rintas a motorbike racer, and they don't have the skills to produce the information from scratch. Also while the program wasn't hard to find becuse it just tweaks some settings, a biometic scan that would present as femal and not trip any alarms is something agenices take down when someone puts them up and are more tightly monitored.
While browsing the comments Rinta reads a Mocking comment saying something along the lines of, "If you can't figure out how to fake the biometrcis, just ask a girl to lend you her neural linker, Loser" (Possibly saying "ask your sister/cousin" instead of "ask a girl" if we want to make it nesscary that Rinta and Rin had to be related for this to work.)

Rinta has been super closeted about their possible transness(even though they'v already started refering to themselves as they) but also want to experince this PRETTY BAD. They convince themselves that their just going to ask Rin if they can borrow Her Neruo linker, and not explain themselves, becuse THEY are the older sibling and their word is law (Not how siblings work but sometimes how older siblings THINK siblings work).

Rinta does this and Rin sees through their ruse immeaditaly, Asking increadbly apripote qusetions like "what this is all about" "What does this get you" "This seems like too much of a risk for to little of a pay off, seriously why are you doing this?" Until Rinta finally says "I want to play as a girl avatar and the games let you because of the biometric scans, and it's bullshit" which he says while looking away and mortified.
Rin then thinks about it for a moment and replies "That is bullshit" to whtich rinta replieas "EXACTLY" and they talk about how unfair it is for a couple minutes. Rin is tryin to fish for more information in the conversation and while she's PRETTY sure she knows what this is about, she's a least sure that Rintas not doing this for a stupid reason that will get them both in trouble and agrees, on the condition that she get to use his neruolinker to do the same thing.
They spend the next hour or 2 hacking their neruolinkers and installing a game Rinta had his eye on, before finall logging in and finding that their plan worked. Rinta is beside himself with Joy, and Rin is happy for them, But she warns that while their in this space they don't want people to find out that their not who they say they are and run the risk of being reported. So whil their online, Rin will call her older sibling as "RIN" and call them "Her" and "Older sister". She also says that when their online Rinta will call her "RINTA" and refrer to her as "He" and "Little Brother" (I don't think Rin is trans in this story, I think she's just experimenting while she has the opertunity, or just trying to hard to play along with Rinta)

This goes on for a few years and while Rin was PRETTY sure that Rinta was Trans/questioning the moment they asked to use her nerulinker over time she has become DEFFFINATLY sure. And begins to encourge them living how they want and Rinta starts refreing to themseves as Her full time. Graduating into enouraging them to behave the same way the do offline as they do online. Possibly even go on outings where Rin Refers to Rinta as she in public.

Eventually they get acsess to Brain burst. This causes a kind of continuity erro in the story becuse they get brain burst BEOFRE Rintas accident, which I think HAS to happen becuase in this version Rinta and Rin have sperate duel avatars (I'm getting to it) And I think that means they both have to use brain burst before the accident. Technically Fuko could still be Rins parent and then Rin, Rintas. But the accident, and subsequently working in the hosspital becuse of Rinta is how FUko and Rin meet in the origonal story. So what brings thme otgether this time?

One idea I had for this is that Rin and Rinta meet Fuko while on one of their outings. Fuko has not gotten her Cybernetic legs yet and is using something more like modern prosthesis (so like some prosthese and some crutches maybe? I don't know that much about prothesis). This might be dumb becuse it might say some where in accel world that Fuko got her cybernetics at birth or something, also it seems like a weird charcter trait, kinda forced. And I know the only reason I'm adding it is for the inciting incident "So Fuko is less stabel then she would be with her cybernetics and falls over" also "So the fact that she has prosthetics would be more visually apprent inciting Rin and Rinta to go and help her immeadtly" (Which honestly they would do anyway so maybe it's just to make ti more apparnt to the view?) I mean the increased representation is nice, but the rest feels like pandering/exploitation. I Digress:
Rin and Rinta help her up, and Rin introduces Rinta as her older sister RIN. When Fuko asks for her name Rin introduces her self as Rin, casing Fuko to say: "Sisters Rin and Rin?" Where Rinta is flusttered by this Rin just says "Yup"
After word Fuko might become a part of their gaming group before finally giving Rin Brain burst. This interaction could also be what finally gets Rinta to decide his new name is RIN. Which Rin will supported whole heartdly saying something snarky like "I think it's the best possible name"

While on Brain burst, RINs Avatar will be "Alt-Roller" which is basically the exact same as ash roller, And implies that the "Roller" in the name came from Rinta. Rin will become "Ash-Rocker" Implying that the "Ash" in the name came form Rin.
I'm not sure what to make Ash-Rocker yet, but the idea was that she was a bard type chracter with a guitar which she uses to cast buffs. Which has never been a thing in accel world before but SHHHHHH!

After a whle RIN will get into her accident and be put in the hospital. At the time RIN was wearing Rins neruo linker, so when they put her into whatever healing pod they put her in and link her NeruoLinker up to it, it's tehchnically Rin's Neruolinker. The doctors notice this but don't think it's worth the risk to swap out the neruolinkers, but bust the siblings to their parents anways, forcing Rin to reveal all to them. Theirs nothing they can do about it NOW so it's pretty much a non issue, but maybe Rin gets a talking too. Also I don't feel like writing their parents as transphobic, cus we just don't have too, so I don't think they are. They ARE however disspoainted at RIN/ low-key ashamed of themselves that RIN never felt comfortable enough to confide in them. After that Rin starts working at the hospitle to keep tabs on her Sister.
Meanwhile RIN discovers that she can log into brainburst form her medical pod, and meets Rin their, for a tearful reunion. Their could also be a side story where Rin tearfully asks RIN to not spend all her time on Brain burst, fearing that if she does she'll never wake up. RIN agrees to log out of brain burst whenever Rin stops by to visit, since maybe her voice will wake her up.

ALSO for a more melodramtic version of events, Maybe instead of getting into a accident on the race track (Which is what happened origonally) maybe in this version Rin and RIN go out on one of their outings and Rin convices RIN to commit to it harder than ever before. Someone Notices RIN and verbally assults her for what she's doing (I.E.Living) which causes RIN to run away in tears, Abandoing Rin at the venue, driving away on her bike reclessly, and getting smashed by a truck.
To add to the melodrama kanga line, this forces their parents to pick Rin up from where RIN left her, and to find their son, mangeled by a truck, and also in a dress, makeup, and a wig. Once again Rin will eveal all, but this time the parents have the added weight of "Maybe if we realized that RIN was trans earlier, and supported her, none of this would have happened, and our daughter wouldn't be in a coma"
Also to add the melodramtic cherry on top Rin does RINs Hair and makeup when they visit. Which I guess they could do in the NON melodrama version too.

Rin would be the same as Prime Rin with the excetion that she has increased confidnce and uhhh, Will verbally slap you, if you talk shit to RIN or make her sister uncomfrtable (Becuase she's being strong FOR somone else which she finds easier to do) She also is more confident when She's Ash-Rocker. Not SPECIFCALLY in herself, or her combat ability, Just that she has more style points than anyone else she would encounter in brain burst becuse she's like apunk rocker (And for the most part she's right)
Like she could go up against Scarlet Rain and Rain summons her armor like: "HA! TOP THAT Noob!"
To which rin shrugs her shoulders, Says "OK" and begins playing megadeath. and scarlet rain stares in annotance but also Awe before saying
"...Fuck you"
Problems with this versoin: IT is a MAJOR departure from the source material. Also it makes Rinta the primary focus as Opposed to Rin, and in our origonal Idea it focused on Rin as a trans person. (though if we wanted to split hairs all it required was for Ash roller to be trans, which they are in this version)

Acidental reveal plot:
While thinking up Version #3 I ran through a plot where they discover RIN is trans in a tropey anime hot spring fashion. They where parts of it I liked though:
In the plot Rin is pretending to be a boy becuse she's afraid if she reveals she's a girl it will somehow reveal her sisters transness and somehow mess things up for her. This can lead her to do things that might be emberssaing (But not dangerous cus tha would be weird) in pursuit of this goal. This leads to a scene where Rin is willing to go into a boys only area to keep her sisters "cover" and confronts RIN about it after RIN tells her not to do it, all the while being extra affirming. RIN is moved by this, but tells Rin that she doesn't have to do this becuase her being a girl doesn't actually mean anything bad for RIN and she can do whatever she wants. On the flipside if Rin is deciding she's a boy now, RIN will support her decisions and Beat the shit out of anyone who tells them otherwise(theirs also a sub idea that RIN is flustered before doing this cus she's genuinly not sure if Rin is doing this becuse she thinks she has too, or becuse Rin has decide to live as a different gender, and confronting Rin about it runs the risk if unafirming their thoughts about themselves and RIN just doesn't know how ot handel all that. Luckily for her it's not that serisous)
Their where also parts I Didn't like:
Like Fuko teasing RIN becuse she assume she's shy, Taking it to far and actually figuring out that their trans, triggering a in game fight. While it could speak to genine frustration a trans person might feel being in that sitatuion (and a meta comentray that they might feel like their in that sitatuion constantly,with people questioning their ideal and constantly poking at it) I'm not sure Fuko would DO that. Also maybe having the sitatuion immeadtly escalte to violnce is uhhhh, a bit too on the nose for all the wrong reasons.
Also their was a gag where somone connects the dots and realizes that if Ash-Rocker is alternate universe Rin, then Alt-Roller is alternate universe Rinta and says, Oh you're Rinta. Causing Ash-Rocker to yell, Don't deadname people. Which may not be funny becuase it Kind of IS what's happening in that scenario. (It's also kind of not what's happening cus their talking about alternate universe counter parts so technically their just saying that their the counterpart to RInta not they have to identify as Rinta.)

The more I write out these ideas the more I get worried that their all terrible and insensitive. Maybe I'm a bad person and I should never write anything again........ >_>


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