Rin Kusakabe/Ash Roller Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Rin Kusakabe/Ash Roller

Drop Point: Rollinsberg
  Due to specific reasons revealed in the LN, his real self is Rin Kusakabe, a 14-year-old girl, and his sister. The personality of Ash Roller is based on her brother, Rinta Kusakabe that is in a coma.   As to note Rin LIKES Haruyuki which is problematic for Kuroyuki, Chiyuri and Fuko.   Ash Roller is Silver Crow's rival. He uses the Enhanced Armament "Night Rocker" as the name of his motorcycle.   He is crude, vile, and a good guy.   Lore: Being the main man rolling in the deep with his motorbike and dueling his rival Silver Crow, Ash Roller's also dealt some L's; from getting infected with the ISS kits and his sister falling for Haruyuki to his chagrin.   Now in this strange world where the lines of reality and online blur, Ash Roller and Rin will experience a new way to communicate. Will be a neutral deal though if you are able to beat him 3 times, he'll consider you an underling. To easily win him over, just blast Ozzy.   Attempting to add to the game by copying over a Kamen rider character.


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