Jin Kisaragi Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Jin Kisaragi

Drop Point: Mordor
  Jin is a character from Blazblue. He is the younger brother of Ragna, and older brother of Saya, making him the middle child. Due to manipulations when he was younger, he cut off his brother's arm and went into parts unkwown. Eventually he was adopted by the Kisaragi family, a noble clan of the Dueodecim and forgot his past.   The hero of Ikaruga, Jin is a major in the NOL. Known to be cold, indifferent, inconsiderate, concise, and pragmatic. Obsessed with his brother which is infamously known as either extreme or faux-sexual in nature by fans.   The hero wields the Nox Nyctores Yukienisa, a sword that can turn anything into ice and freeze eternally. Also holds the Power of Order; a strong will that can't be manipulated by interventions or reality warping.   Also, due to time travel becomes Hakumen of the Six Heroes. Isn't the most observant of people's feelings though with all that's occurred with Tsubaki, is starting to have some growth.   Lore: Jin will appear in this world and be part of the ones that govern order for the populace.   General quotes Be gone you insect!
Quiet or I'll slice out that tongue of yours.
Be grateful I didn't end you.

Character specific   Ragna - Brother, you've gotten slow? Come on, let's continue so I can kill you, dark one!
Noel - Trash. Rachel - I don't know why you are bothering me, vampire.
Tsubaki - Return home, Tsubaki.
Archer - Master of none, I take it? Saito - Concealing your weapons until the last minute?
Hiei - I don't care what you are, Yukienisa freezes everything, even demonic flames! Gilgamesh - Odd, why do you sound like me...?

Fighter Info

Author: DaNaru250 Version Date: 21/10/2011 Location: here


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