BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The villain of the plot. This is a rough draft of what that villain may look like.

They are energy beings, possibly appearing in a gaseous form that assembles itself into a vaguely humanoid silhouette to fight.

If defeated they lose cohesion and break apart, but reform somewhere else later.
They created the CJM-Universe and encased it in a Bubble. Should the bubble be broken, and the entity defeated while the bubble is broken the Entity will be sucked out into the void between universes/dimensions, and the CJM-Verse will unform (Basically how everyone gets home)

They created the CJM-Verse because they had a strong desire to.
They refuse to let anyone leave because they are a part of the CJM-Verse now and to the Entity, They belong here now.
They fight/avoid the heroes because they want to go home, and then going home means the unmaking of the CJM-Verse (Though honestly couldn't this be solved by letting people come and go as they please?)

they are spotted in the prologue and defeated once or twice. After the events of the prologue people realize the entity was the only thing they couldn't explain and try to study it, The entity goes into hiding in one of the dungeons that litter the CJM continent, wraps itself in a bubble like the one they wrapped the universe in and hibernates and grow in power.
In the main story, someone finds them and breaks their bubble, and is able to harvest part of them with e device possibly made by, Kokonoe Mercury, Setsuna Meioh/Sailor Pluto, or/and others. This lets them know what it's made of and starts to tell them what they can do about it.

Possibly Ben meets it in the prologue and tries to talk to it instead of fighting it? Maybe that's giving him too much credit.

It's up in the air whether the entity is evil or just wants to protect the reality it created.   At the end of the game the entity fights Ben as their from the same dimension. In the Bad end, Ben fights the Entity to death, and they destroy each other. I guess that is what happens?

In the good end, Ben fights the entity just enough to weaken it, and then pulls out of the fight. This hurts the entity but the information is exchanged. Ben knows things about the entity, but the Entity knows things about Ben. This prompts the Entity to use the information it got from Ben to finally assume a physical form again, and it looks like Ben did back before his reality was destroyed. Th ENtity then goes into the following rant:
"What? You weren't using it. I honestly don't get why you were so ashamed of it. Theirs nothing wrong with it, all it was needed was confidence. The confidence to know your better, like me. Because gods don't care what ants think of them."
"I'll be honest when it came down to just 8 beings left stopping my ascension. I became a little, OBSESSED! ... with finding out more about them. I assumed they were all people of great renown or prowess of some sort. They all did impress me. One was a father, his daughters dissipated in front of him but he never gave up looking for them. I just told him that I had absorbed them and his search was finally over, I tell you, if I still had the ability to cry back then I would have.

Another was a therapist, she thought that by reaching out to people and understanding one another she could save the world. Our battle for supremacy was legendary, one for the record books. I won, of course.
And then theirs you, the last one. I thought you would be spectacular. No matter what I threw at you, you persisted. I tried to find an in, and you... would WEAVE me, into some fairytale Bull shit. In one story or another, though it was ALWAYS the boy with the key sword. you really loved the boy with the keyword. And I would always lose. I sought to out-narrate you, out-trope you, and I could never do it. And the FEW times I made it past your story time firewall, there was nothing. No age, no race, no gender, no family, no history, I couldn't even find your NAME. I assumed you were someone like me. On the verge of enlightenment having CAST all those things aside, like I was fighting the Dahli Lama for final control over reality. You Where My Nemesis. and I NEVER beat you.

So I here am shocked, to find out. You're nobody. You HAD an age, a family, a history, all of it. And you gave it all way, cus you thought it would make other people happy. Make them like yah. and it never did. It only made you miserable, and you KEPT doing it. you NEVER stopped, like a crazy person chasing the same goal you know you won't achieve. I'm SO disappointed. I thought you were something special, something deserving of me. But I guess when you boil it all down, some of the people still fighting are worthwhile special individuals, and others are deranged, misguided people who Are too stupid to know when it's to roll over and, DIE!"


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