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Prologue Tree: The Nightshades

Kuroyukihime / Black Lotus, Aruto Hiden/Kamen Rider Zero-One, and Ultraman Geed end up in daybreak town, and endevor to save the city from itself.
  Old Lore:
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Ultraman Geed's Tree of the Proluge.


Cell 0

In this cell Ultraman Geed or Riku Asakura Appears in the CJM Universe. They where out in the city and the landscap warped around them until it went from Riku's city to Rollinsberg (Riku may have just been out for a walk, or maybe Laiha sent him out on an errand.)
[Scene fades in, The scene is the streets of Rollinsberg with Riku (not transformed Geed) standing on the left side of the screen, a confused look on his face, possibly turning his head form side to side.]
Riku: Wait what? the scenery changed, where am I?
[Riku Pulls out his loading knuckle and brings it up to his mouth to use it as a walkie talkie] R.E.M, R.E.M Can you hear me?
Lodaing Knuckle: ...
[Riku returns to a neutral standing position, with either a neutral facial expresion or a contemplative one.]Riku: No awnser... are we under attack by a enemy? Is this their power?
[Rikus expression become resolved or determind, he also possible adopts a determind stance like balling his hands into fists and holding them out infornr of himself]Riku: Alright, Standing around doing nothing won't get me any where.
[Riku assumes a neutral position, except with one arm outstreached with a Ultra capsule in it.] Riku: YOU GO,
[Riku moves his out streached arm (not that I think it needs to be animated, it can just poof) infront of his face] Riku: I GO,
[Riku moves his arm out infront of him, but this time bent Kinda like an "I did it" or "Trucker Honk" Pose. The Ultra Capsule has been replaced with his Geed Riser] Riku: HERE WE GO!
[Riku moves his arm so he's holding the Geed Riser infornt of his chest, an activation noise plays, and Riku is envloped in light (Maybe done by turning all the pixels of his sprite to white and surronding him an aura (basically a white oval outline))] Riku: GEED! [Riku transforms into Geed. Possibly by seeing the sprite morph form Riku into Geed, also maybe by just having the screen fade in and out with white to save on animation] Geed: ...
[Geed looks confused, and since he can't really make facail expresions he has to emote that with body language. so maybe he holds up both his arms and looks back and forth at them?] Geed: Huh, Wait why didn't I get any bigger? What's going on?
[Geed returns to a neutral pose] Geed: This is weird... So I'll go look for whatever's causing this.
[Geed runs using his in game running animation, and exits out of right frame.]
This COULD be where we end Cell 0, or we could combing it with Cell 1 to make it longer. If we don't combine it then maybe Viewing this scene unlock Ultraman Geed. Other wise Maybe he's unlocked by completing The Intro.

Cell 1

[The scene fades in on some streets in Rollinsberg, Focusing on a doorway to a eatery. Aruto Hiden/Kamen Rider Zero-One and Is are seen exiting through the doorway. (Aruto's dialouge may begine before he visably enters frame, implying he's talking loud enough to be heard outside.]Aruto: Ahhhhh, Ikkan's (The persons name is Ikkan Nigiro, perhaps Aruto should refer to him as Nigiro-san?) sushi is the best. I'm glad we decided to eat here.
[Aruto exits the eatery with a jubulent expression and pose, posibly with both arms raised in the air or resting on his sotmach. Is has a neutral expression and pose.]Is: We came here to see how Ikkan Nigiro was doing, and wether he required assitance. [Aruto relazes into a neutral position, and less jubualnt but still happy facial expression] Aruto: That too.
[Arutos facail expression shift to a neutral, or curios one] Aruto: Actualy, what were yu saying back their Is? Something about reports from satalite ZEA?
Is: I was telling you I noticed the population of the Sushi shop had suddenly dropped 75%.
Aruto: It is late, I guess everyone went home
Is: Also, Satalite ZEA repors HumaGears have gone offline, or disconnected from its systems.
[Aruto looks alarmed]Aruto: What? HumaGears are missing?!
Is: I thought that as well, but no that were outside I'm not so sure.
[Aruto starts to look around frantically]Aruto: Huh? HUH!? This isn't the part of town we were in, I don't even think this is Tokyo! Where are we?
Is: I am looking into that.
[Aruto expesion changes to confused or contemplative] Aruto: Don't tell me this is some scheme from MetsubouJin or ZAIA... [ Ultraman Geed's Can be heard coming from the left. Arutos expression chagnes to be focused on the left side of the screen.] Aruto: A Magia? It is them.
[ Geed enters from the left side of the screen and comes to a squealing halt form his run] Geed: Magia?
Is: President Aruto, I do not think...
Aruto: I know you're confused, but I'm going to help you, becuase...
Geed: What is a Magia?
Is: A HumaGear, Hacked by, for the purpose of rendering Humanity extinct.
[Aruto outstreaches an arm infront of him pointing at Geed] Aruto: There Is Only One Person Who Can Stop You...
Geed: Make, Humanity... Extinct?
Aruto: And That's Me!

This triggers a fight Geed VS Kamen Rider 01.
Losing the fight sends the player back to the Cell select screen. Though they may unlock Kame Rider 01 for viewing the above scene.
Winning the fight triggers the next half of Cell 1.

Aruto intro

N = Narrator
A = Aruto Hiden/Kamen Rider Zero-One
I = is

Scene set in satellite Zea (A bunch of white space with floating blue columns of binary code)
N: Satalite Zea had informed Izu of an emergency so Aruto and Izu uplinked their minds to the satellite. Even with the time slowed, or at least seeming that way due to Zea's incredible processing power, they were unable to grasp what was happening until it was already over.
N: Afterwards there was a moment of superlative stillness in the satellite. Zea was processing everything, saying nothing. Eventually, Zea relayed to them, that it wanted both to return to their bodies. It would be better for them to be boots on the ground then up there in the satellite.
N: Besides, they had done their best to protect them from whatever it was that had happened.

Scene fade to DayBreak Town
I: <President Aruto, We appear to have moved.>
A: <What? Did someone move us while we were in Zea?>
I: <Unlikely, Only 5 minutes have passed in real-time. I will try to discern our location.> A: <Thank you Izu.>
N: Aruto however did not wait for Izu's findings. He already knew where they were.
N: Or at least he thought he did, but that was impossible, this place was destroyed and flooded. Despite the impossibility, Aruto's feet carried him down familiar pathways, searching for something he knew couldn't be there.
N: And then he saw it.
A: Izu! look!
N: Aruto called out hushed but excited. He hid behind a nearby wall and peeked out. Izu quickly hurried to Aruto's side. She joined him in hiding and looked where he was pointing.
I: Who are they, President?
A: That's my dad...
N: Before Izu and Artuo, Walking together in a park, was Aruto's deceased father and Aruto as a young boy.
I: That's your deceased Humagear father?
A: Yes.
I: and so, that's you as a young boy?
A: Yes!
I: Trying repeatedly and unsuccessfully to make him laugh?
A: YES! I: So we've traveled back into the past?
A: Maybe!?
I: Then, do you remember when this is, President?
N: Aruto pauses... He looks up at the centerpiece of the town.
Scene change to satellite Ark???
N: He sees a satellite Ark, Connected to a multi-stage rocket, propped up on its scaffolding. It sits in the center of town like a clock tower, waiting for a launch that will never come.
A: We haven't got long...

Kuroyukihime V Lambda

N = Narrator
K = Kuroyukihime / Black Lotus
L = Lambda-11

Open on scene of Daybreak Town.
N: Kuroyukihime considered herself a Pragmatic and realistic person. Those two attributes were not helping her here.
N: She had been combing this new location she found herself in for answers, and was coming up empty. Previously she was in Haru's apartment with the rest of Nega Nebulous, sitting around a table. Then a single moment passed and she was sitting here, wherever here was, on the street. And in her Net Avatar form for some reason.
N: Her first deduction was that she must have been forced onto the Net, because of her form. She scoured around to find the perpetrator but was overwhelmed by the number of people there.
N: Most of whom she questioned were friendly and helpful but had no idea what she was talking about when she brought up the Net or avatars. She wanted to write them off as NPCs but they seemed too intelligent, or perhaps, too real for that.
Show silloue of Lambda N: She was at her wit's end when she saw her. Kuroyukihime was shocked to see someone who looked so much like her duel avatar. Blades on their every appendage, floating off the ground. At first glance, she'd have mistaken it for herself if not for the stark white coloring of their body.
K: (White... Wait! Are they the one behind this? A member of the white legion, maybe even set up by my sister.)
N: Perceiving this new threat bolstered Kuroyukihime, as she spoke louder, her voice with an authoritative edge.
K: You! Are you a member of the white legion? Are you responsible for trapping me here?
Turn lambda image and return to normal coloration.
N: The figure turned to regard Kuroyukihime. She had pale skin, blond hair, and a visor with a red mono-eye. The look that single eye cast on her was intense. L: Processing... Processing... Processing... N: Kuroyukihime tried to study her face, but the stranger moved up to her almost faster than she could realize. Kuroyukihime stood up straight and tried to stare back into the single red eye.
L: Anaomly found: collecting data...
N: The armored girl slowly reached a hand out to grab Kuroyukihime.
K: Oh no you don't!
N: Kuroyukihime threw up a hand to stop her...
White flash, sword sound, fade in with Black lotus duel avatar standing between them.
N: A Black-figure with swords on all its appendages materialized between the two girls. It was Kuroyukihime's Duel Avatar. It raised its arms to repel the stranger from Kuroyukihime, shoving her back a few feet.
K: What the...
N: Kuroyukihime wasn't used to seeing her Duel avatar like this. Normally she WAS the avatar, so this made for a surreal out-of-body experience. She also noticed that she seemed to control the duel avatar, like a puppet. She gave a few experimental movements of her hand and watched the avatar move in response. Her test session was interrupted when the armored stranger spoke up.
L: Threat Identified: attempting self-defense.
K: What... NO wait!
Begin fight between Black lotus and Lambda.

After fight:
L: Target danger level exceeds expectations: retreating.
K: No wait!
Lambda teleports and leaves the scene.
K: Danm, She seemed to know what was going on, I wanted to get more anwsers out of her. Well... at least I'm not the only one looking for anwsers. Let's see if I can't find somone else who knows what's happening.
Scene fade out.

The Nightshades V Magia

N = Narrator
A = Aruto Hiden/Kamen Rider Zero-One
I = is
K = Kuroyukihime / Black Lotus
M = Magia
C = Civilians

Scene: Isu and Aruto outside of a building. I: We have arived, President Aruto. This is the Hiden Inteelignce building located in DayBreak Town. Inside should be information on how to interface with Satalite ARK and possibbly reverse the effects of whatever method Gai Amatsu used to teach ARK of human malice.
A: I still have no idea why he would even have wanted to do that...
A silouhet of Black Lotus appears on the other side of the screen.
K: Hey, You there.
Arutos sprite turns to face her, his eyes closed, Black lotuses sprite becomes colorized. A: Oh! Uh hello, maam we where just, uhhhhh...
Aruto opens his eyes.
A: Oh, Nice Cosplay.
Aruto smiles and gives a thumbs up.
K: What? Oh this isn't cosplay, this is my NET avatar.
Aruto resumes defult pose
A: Net avatar? Like form a video game?
K: No like fomr when you connect to the NET, with your Neural linker?
A: oh right of course, a Neural Linker!
Aruto turns to face Isu.
A: Is what's a Nerual linker?
K: I can still hear you.
I: Unknown. I am aware of no such product. It is not something we manufacture at Hiden intelignce, Nor does ZEA know of it. It doesn't appear to exist.
A: Huh?
K: I've been getting that anwser alot today It seems people here don't think Neural linkers even exist.
He turns back to Black lotus.
A: Wait so do they exist or not?
K: That's actually why I wanted to talk to you. You see I'm lost and I'm not sure how I got here, I don't even know where here is really. Are you experincing anything similar?
A: Oh, well... I...
N: Aruto looks back at Is, wordlessly looking to her for some kind of sugeestion on what to do. She simply smiles and returns his gaze, trusting in hisd judgment.
A: The thing is we are experincing something similar. But, I don't know if you'll beliv-
Aruto is cut off by the sound of a nearby civilian screaming. Black lotus turns around to look at the right side of the screen and her sprite scoots to the left to be on the same side as Aruto and IS.
A: What was that?
A silouheted sprite of Kame Rider 01 in his suit appears on the right side of the screen facing the night shades.
M: Humanity, Must be made, Extinct!
K: We'll talk later, For now we have this to deal with.
Aruto and Black lotus Fight the Magia (REpresent by a silouheted Kamen rider 01 with alternate voice lines.)


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