Haruyuki Arita/Silver Crow Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Haruyuki Arita/Silver Crow

Drop Point: Key hole Lake
  Silver Crow is Black Lotus's "child" (gave him Brain Burst) and is the only avatar with an aviation ability. The main protagonist in Accel World. His level is 5 (6 in the LN currently) and utilizes his flying ability with his punches and kicks.   He can utilize Incarnate which emphasizes range. In real life, his name is Haruyuki Arita, and 14-years-old. Haru's main love interest is Kuroyukihime and vise-versa however due to what he has done in Brain Burst might have the "Kirito" kind of deal with the ladies liking him for his actions though he's better written and too shy to do anything.
[be]   Lore: Haru has been in Brain Burst for almost a year. From dealing with losing his wings to Dusk Taker and regaining them, being infected by the armor of catastrophe, and being freed from its influence, he's happy to continue fighting in BB.   Though now being summoned into this world, it's a bit of a shock for him. When not used in battle, Haruyuki and the others can go back to their human forms where they help out anyone in need. Haru is also enjoying any of the retro games in this world which Kuroyukihime and Fuko have to make sure he doesn't spend his hard-earned money (from random battles) on it.  

General quotes

1. Thank you for the match!
2. I've gotta keep improving!

Character specific

Kuroyukihime - Sempai, are you alright? Huh, yeah I know...good game sempai!
Ash Roller - Shoot me down all you want but you still can't stop me!
Sky Raker - There are still things I need to learn from you, master!
  Z-man - That was so cool! We got to battle again!!
2 versions: We have 2 versions of Silver Crow. One has a summons, while the other one doesn't, and if we don't use the summon versions theirs no need to include the summonable characters in-game, though they could be included anyways.
Haru uses multiple other characters in his move-set, It could be assumed that their nearby him and present in the story unless we decide to hand wave it. The Exception to this is Kuroyukihime / Black Lotus who appears in his move set but also is her own character, which I'm assuming we'll just hand wave.
Takumu Mayuzumi / Cyan Pile: One of Haru's oldest friends, Haru summons him to fire his pile drive at an enemy.
Chiyuri Kurashima / Lime Bell: One of Haru's oldest friends, Haru summons her to heal him (might be kinda broken)
Yuniko Kōzuki / Scarlet Rain: A new friend of Haru, King of the red legion, Haru summons her to shoot a charged shot at an enemy.
Kuroyukihime / Black Lotus: Haru's closest maybe more than a friend, Haru summons her to do a combo of attacks at an enemy.

Fighter Info

Ver 1

Author: TrafalgarLawzz Version Date: 05/11/2018 Location: Found here but main site appears to be here (It was possibly extracted from a complete game)

Ver 2

Author: JOAN QUIÑONES Version Date: N/A Location: Found here


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