Yuniko Kōzuki / Scarlet Rain Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Yuniko Kōzuki / Scarlet Rain

Drop Point: Feudal Forest]
  Scarlet Rain is the legion master of Promenice and level 9 Bust Linker. Due to a particular incident regarding her "parent" using the Armor of Catastrophe, she asked for Nega Nebulas aid and through that learned a lesson to have faith in others (power of friendship moment).   Scarlet Rain usually aids Negabu, though she is still a king, and does think of what would benefit her legion as a front at points. Her real name is Yuniko Kozuki and she is 11 years old. Yuniko usually finds a way to spend the night at her "big brother's" (Haru) house to Kuroyuki's chagrin.   Scarlet Rain is known to have the best long-range attack with her Enhanced Armament "Invincible". The gun she uses when not in the machine is called "Peacemaker". [be]   Lore: Being on a random visit to her "big brother's" house like any other until she and the rest of Negabu have been transported to this world. She's one of the most vocal on the "why" this happened. Being a high ranker, she's not one to face needlessly and underestimate and her level of power is equal to Black Lotus, though being the second red king, her experience is lower.  
2 versions: We have 2 versions of Silver Crow. One has a summons while one doesn't and if we don't use the summon versions there is no need to include the summonable characters in-game, though they could be included anyways.

Has no in-game character, but is summoned by Haruyuki Arita / Silver Crow in his move-set.


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