Classic Fantasy Pickup Game Homepage | World Anvil
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Classic Fantasy Pickup Game

120 ER

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Durzig's Hold is an old Caravan stop and Royal Ranger's base in the middle of the sprawling Elk Woods. It is your base of operations. to the North & West are the Mynnyd Mountians. Rumors of an old Dwarven ruins under the mountain circulate the Hold. Along with the Beastmen (goatmen) scourge in the woods, Who have been pushed mostly south by the Rangers of the wood, but remain a threat to the area. The western pass through the Mountains which is occupied buy Stone Giants, who extract a toll on Caravans passing that way. To the East the once proud Kingdom of Ezra has fallen to petty Warlords and Barbarian raiders since the King died without an heir 6 years ago.
All information is reported by survivors of the expeditions into the wilds, but some of it is suspect and rumor only. Durzig's draws some of the desperate and those seeking refuge from raids and villages being torched. Some pass through, some have stayed, some have ventured forth, and some have never returned again or died.   All campaign material contributed to our GM and my friend of many years. I'm a sucker for keeping track of this stuff and hopefully others will contribute to it creating just one more fun thing for those who partake in the campaign to enjoy. The Campaign has made it past the 50th session in the summer of 2023, thank you mightily to all the players and especially our GM.  We use rules based on the 5e rules of Dungeons and Dragons.  Some of that game data and mechanics may be added to the website for those interested in such things.