Wrap up 50: Yapple Dapple in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap up 50: Yapple Dapple

Session 50 . . Session 50!! . . Watch me pull a rabbit out of the Hat   PC's: Ardengon, Basalt, Esko, Finn, Garrick, Oleg, Sudash   Location: Minotaur Circus   The group minus Skemm who was preparing for the tourney fight was commissioned by the Minotaur leadership to investigate an incident at one of the Minotaur ancient sites; a patrol had disappeared. When the group got to the ruins, they found several outlier buildings and a large sinkhole. There were some signs that a summoning ritual had taken place. There were some desiccated corpses around the sinkhole and the party found evidence that this may have been where the clowns were summoned. The party's nervous case of butterflies manifested itself into reality when they were swarmed by infernal butterfly creatures. The fight broke into chaos and The Long Watch was not quite sure of the creatures' capabilities and how to combat them. Ardengon and Garrick stood at the edge of the pit when the swarm rose from the depths. Sudash decided to get tricky and reached into his wizard's hat to get some help. His arms rose and fell in an unusual scene of drama for the half-orc spellcaster. Everyone held their breath for just a moment with good reason. A fireball erupted on the swarm and two of the adventurers. The beasts had some vulnerability to fire, fortunately. The swarm's vampirism proved a problem and the party pushed back through some ruins with Oleg and Garrick taking several wounds. The scene was chaotic to say the least. The group through the use of various powers and weapon attacks was able to disperse the swarm and descend into the pit.   The investigation led to the depths where there was some evidence of excavation and activity and a blocked off area. The party cleared the blockage and found a tunnel system where they were ambushed by the swarm of worms. Oleg, also with increased powers from the War God Torm called forth some swarming guardians around himself, acting as an anchor. This allows some of the others to push ahead. Creatures which normally were considered insects or bugs in a typical setting were instead turns to monsters of various degree in the Badlands. Butterflies and Worms to begin with, then onto more sinister creatures; Kruthiks they found out later. Swarming hive creatures of various size and nastiness. All of them however had scaly thick chitin and serrated mandibles of a type suited to their size. A line of the groups own warriors was attempting to protect Esko and Sudash. As combat continued the tight confines led Finnick to call upon Helm, burning Radiant power flowed forth damaging 9 of the nearby creatures. Basalt used his battlemaster skill as commander to offer Garrick opportunities to critically strike weak points as they arise. Otherwise, everyone was basically trying to avoid being surrounded as the Kruthiks turned especially nasty the more that swarmed a single individual. Even Esko resorted to a melee weapon and his longsword flashed our killing one of them.   With the hive dispatched and various other fauna driving off or killed the group has time to investigate. Numerous skeletons of numerous races were all that was left, in some cases not even that. Some random bits of coin and items was also found which were gathered up and taken back to report all the findings to the Minotaur council.   Game Play Note: To the person who plays Garrick, thank you for writing a good bit of this to begin with. 50 Sessions is a while, years for sure. How many doesn't matter too much, we can guess its more than 2, not yet 5. The hat, in this campaign the party has acquired a chest with the items from the original Dungeons and Dragons cartoon. So . . The Hat . . of the Wizard in that show was something we all both dread and love at the same time. Could be awesome, could be a disaster. Part of the fun.


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