Adventure Wrap up 37 Catch Up in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Adventure Wrap up 37 Catch Up

It was with some luck that the party made it across the destroyed bridge, with the help of the Rope of Climbing they found in the upper levels of the Ruins. Avoiding the Stirges but running into more of the Giant Spiders, the party began to enter the Dwarven Crypts finding some Dwarf General's Sarcophagi, and more spiders the party took refuge holding up in a better constructed crypt section behind a door which they could secure and rest in a Leomund's tiny hut. They found a lesser elf slaying longsword but have yet to find "Ear Nipper" the Greataxe of greater elf slaying, Or the rumored Great mutated dragon like creature said to haunt the area. time will tell.


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