Wrap-up 40: It's the Little Things in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap-up 40: It's the Little Things

Location: Dwarven Catacombs still seeking Axe from Clan Bladestain   PC's: Ardengon the Paladin, Basalt the Fighter, Finnick the Fighter & follower of Helm, Garrick the Rogue, Rootbreaker the Barbarian, and Sudash the Wizard   The journey continues with the party following the trail of the dragon creature to the best of their ability. In this endeavor Basalt seems to have an understanding of some of the creature's behaviors and movements. They do proceed with a bit more caution than usual having injuries and little time to rest. The path leads down numerous side passages with the remains of common Dwarves in niches. Something has been at them but disturbing them anymore is something the party avoids.   Finn remains hobbled without the use of his right hand which includes holding a shield or doing much else with that arm. It serves as a reminder to use a bit more caution and that some injuries will not heal with just a healing portion or mere cure wounds spell. Garrick proves his worth numerous times, one of which avoided an entire room full some nasty green gas. To that end when some coins are seen in the hallway, care is taken by the Wizard to examine them prior to picking them up. Certainly, some mischievous or twisted mind has left one side of the coins coated in the same green dangerous looking goo from the room found earlier. The concoction has not eaten through the coins yet and the party's guess is that the Necromancer left some traps including this smaller one. In addition to avoiding traps there comes another set of rooms with three official looking sarcophagi. Those require some muscle to open which Bastalt and Rootbreaker provide while the rest of the group remains outside the door in case of some trap or another.   The two warriors inside of the room pry open the first of the large stone containers. Some disgusting acidic jelly and bone mixture is inside which we try to avoid. Sudash uses some magics to sort through the filth a bit, but nothing further is found. The second stone lid is moved aside with a bit more ease . . as an Undead Dwarven Knight is provided a boost from the inside. Dust explodes out and the creature follows wearing whatever its owner had once been buried in, unfortunately with all the metal scraping sounds that meant a heavy suit of armor wielding a large two-handed sword.   Everyone heads into the room attacking with sword and spell. To make way, Basalt daringly clambers up into the filth of the first sarcophagus. Initially this goes well until the Knight sends out a wave of fear. Not everyone is frightened but it does deter some attacks while the undead creature lashes out with his blade during the battle. No mortal hand wields the large blade nearly as tall as what was once a Dwarven Knight, it can strike everyone within melee range. Fortunately, it is one while the group has six and they batter it down eventually without taking too much punishment. The 3rd stone casket is looked at without any further finds of undead or odd piles of acidic jelly like bones. While this is done Finn notices a small hole near one of the walls, this time pointing it out quickly to the others. Sure enough it is nearly identical to one of the others found in the catacombs. Much more care is taken and Sudash providing some magic helping Garrick with the lever and trap. A few minutes later the back wall slides open in the middle of the room.   This smaller chamber is finely wrought with more care and quality given to the two Sarcophagus inside. An important figure or perhaps even a clan leader is buried here and in secret it would seem. Is this where the weapon has been hidden? Indeed, it turns out to be an axe, later identified as the Ear Nipper weapon. This is kept within the company and not spoken of to anyone by agreement. The other sarcophagus has a fair bit of coins which is divided up for everyone to carry a share without being too heavy for any individual. Wounds were tended and some degree of rest was welcome in this secret location.   As in the past a rear guard or some degree of watchful eye would have served the party well. The jelly like bones in the coffins turned out to be a clue none of the party had dealt with before. It was the foodstuffs of an enormous gelatinous almost translucent cube, scrounging through the caverns as some super scrounger. It squeezed through someplace and attacked the adventurers, luckily after a fair bit of rest. Finnick was one of the first to strike at it, his blade had been forged by Dwarves and resisted the creature's natural acidic absorption. Others noticed and some were not so lucky. Ardengon lost his blade into the creature and suffered for it, not before he unleashed a powerful righteous blow. Garrick and Rootbreaker sliced and tried to pull away as quickly as possible before suffering the same fate as Ardengon and his weapon. Basalt shot a Heavy Crossbow from the top of the other sarcophagus while Sudash sent magic darts into the creature. Acidic bits blew off the creature from time to time burning and splashing on equipment.   The cube was overcome. It was decided to return to Durzigs Hold so they traveled with haste through the caves and catacombs They have not been back there for months. A warm bed, familiar faces, and some hot food went a long way towards healing some wounds including Finn's injured right hand.


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