Wrap up 47: The Glimmer of Trouble in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap up 47: The Glimmer of Trouble

Party Members: Ardengon, Basalt, Finn, Garrick, Sudash Recent members rewarded at the start of Adventure: Esko, Olig, Skemm   The group returned to Durzig's Hold, battered and victorious. The general mood was that the death of the Mother had probably caused serious damage to the designs of the Brotherhood. It was also recognized that power vacuums could cause unforeseen problems but there was nothing to be done about that. Perhaps it was just because their eyes had turned to the heavens, but it seemed like there was an uptick in flashes of light and meteors. Indeed, it was something along these lines that would cause some important scouting to take place.   After discussion from the group and subsequent survival of most of the active adventuring members a name has been chosen for our adventuring band; The Long Watch. A few rounds are raised at the local Inn. In memory of Holfast, “To the ideal, a hero never conquered” In memory of Oshak, “Reckless is, reckless was, and reckless we will be” In memory of Dribble, “The departed, a link to where we started”   As the days grow warmer for Spring, whispers and rumor approach as well. A new religion springs forth called Zaksis, what it is about none can yet say. The Dwarven Hold of Forstfodd mentions the 'feel' of impending doom has lessened. The mighty Minotaur Circus auditions once again for a new mighty warrior to protect the Labyrinth, and to them, the world. Unusual for those folk, they are allowed an event to find and be an Honorary Minotaur. Concern grows among the party who think this could all be linked together; this artifact horn could still be in play somehow.   Rangers approach after several days rest and recuperation for the group. Healing of the body at least has taken place for all. Those who remain are told about the uptick in Ibixian attacks to the South. Another trailing light struck the earth in that direction as well. Finn requests a guide, a man named Fade answers the call from the Rangers of the Wood organization. They set out into the trees and pathways only those who live here travel quickly. Aligar of the Bearfolk speaks with Fade and those nearby, apparently something is happening with the local Fey, they are fleeing North.   As the sky darkens, black shadows come and go alongside the Ranger Guide. Other Rangers have taken up a position to monitor a Ritual of Ibixian and other fell folk. Ugly ceremonies of evil can be felt if not heard, having felt this disease before the prepare themselves. Ardengon himself given a divine ward of sorts against such looks to help the others. As time ticks by Garrick feels the time may be right for him to see what may. Part of the gear from the recent adventure aids the party as Garrick disappears into the thick. The others for the most part are heavily armored, deciding not to test fate. Several hundred Ibixian's are chanting something along with at least a handful of Goblins Warlocks it seems. What? A meteor perfectly round has his the ground here, is it an egg, a ship, or a pepbble thrown by some sky giant? Garrick returns requesting the aid of Sudash for his Arcane knowledge. The two of them hustle back twenty minutes later as a crescendo of noise ends. A mighty wind stirs the branches and lifting into the sky Finn spots two figures riding a copper skinned mighty dragon. The scale and size is close to unimaginable. Its gaze passes over the party and a deep fear settles in. This is not a foe an army can defeat; it feels as if it could destroy the world if the desire or drive was there. Luckily, the goblins and shiny serpent race on. Quickly the adventurers depart to at least give word. Other Rangers of the Wood travel various paths, vanishing quickly. To warn again of the Ibixian and the Cult God of the Worlds.   Upon reaching the hold it was decided that the Long Watch would go speak with the Gnomes at the nearby brewing Tower. Croynex, the Gnome leader listens with amazement to the tale calling in several older looking kin. The collar, yes, we have heard of such a thing. A ring or rod is the control device. Find that to get control. In some ways this was refreshing knowing such a giant automaton was probably not itself evil. Who knows? Maybe it explained the reason the group was not incinerated or sacrificed on the altar back in the crash side to begin with. The Gnomes also had some ideas about what the mythical creature could be and may be.   The morning arrived with a hangover for some the march took place back to Durzig's. Not unexpected a small group of Ibixian raiders fell upon them. A certain flame burnt in the hearts of the party and no quarter was given to the goat men. They were dispatched with haste. Their leader had a map showing a location in the Western Mountainous area formerly held by an ancient empire, Old Draconia. At the Hold, Eosur was informed and some funds were spent on various healing potions. The local smith said he could make a weapon forged specifically against such creatures. Basalt and Finn opened their purse strings to make such a weapon available. . . .   Finn's thoughts on the Deepspawn & events as we marched back to Durzig's and Onwards to the Forstfodd Hold. ~~My own motives two years ago were to come to this land to weeding out any darkness which I was capable of. I joined a group of adventurers, and with the blessing of Helm, this crusade was successful for the second time. These Deepspawn beings and their involvement with various organizations are one or two steps away from taking control of this area of the Elk Woods. Not too heavily populated perhaps but containing ancient artifacts which could be used to expand into more populated kingdoms. There are powers at play which are beyond anything the average person can imagine. A sky ship crashed, elves and dwarves at some war beyond the clouds, and now a dragon created in part by tinkerers . . incredible and frightening all at the same time.~~   ~~To this mythical creature of bright metal. It must be freed, stopped, or by some sacrifice if needed . . destroyed. Helm, bringer of Light, vigilant against the Shadow, help us in the coming days.~~   ~~The good Druid Eurites is a staunch ally, but like my own race and all others we have those who look to the Light and those who fall into Shadow. His sister Artivastis did not wield the powers of a Deepspawn but in her own way is far worse. Twisting nature where she could and pursuing the designs of Necromancy. She has escaped us a time or two and has set us on a collision course of conflict.~~


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