Wrap up 48: The Great Minotaur Circus in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap up 48: The Great Minotaur Circus

Session 48 – The Great Minotaur Circus   Starting Location: Durzigs Hold   PC's: Ardengon, Basalt, Esko, Finn, Garrick, Oleg, Sudash, Skemm   The Long Watch headed out towards the Badlands & The Minotaur Circus. Their initial destination was the Dwarven Hold in the mountains quite near the Storm Giants. A peace or maybe a tolerance was afoot in the lower mountain pass after the end to the transforming monster attacks having an impact on the Giants. Regardless, they were welcome by the Dwarves who had started growing some of their own food again to the relief of the residents. Garrick detailed the story to the Dwarves, the Artificer chiming in with excitement and curiosity. The young dwarf was still trying to sell the mechanical horse to the group but was more than happy to swap a new item: Cat Statues. Finn had to grin, of course it was a Cat Statue if the beard on the statues was a little longer for a cat who could blame her. The trade was made, a few beverages drank, and the group set out in the morning.   This time around backpacks had enough food and water for extra days just in case. That was just precautionary, but the Badlands were hot and miserable. Little to no vegetation and few inhabitants, not a soul in site for days on what they thought was a path in the direction of the Circus. Not knowing what to expect, but expecting something the group was on high alert.   The breeze sometimes blew bits of vegetation past but this noise that caught their attention had a bone-on-bone soft clink to it. Larger tumbleweeds rolled in with a red cast to them and the air grew still yet they still rolled towards the members of The Long Watch. Springing forth in a burst of sand were very long limbed . . somethings. It was as if someone took the Bloodbeasts from deep underground and called up their cousins here. Long limbs thrashed about. There was no surprise and several of the party opened up at range including Esko who was almost always in range with his crackling bolts of force. Any hit it seemed causing red ichor to spray forth. Garrick sprinted towards the others with some hot on his heels, only his speed saving him from some sort of blood draining nightmare. Skemm laid about with viscious great swings, few missing, while others connected with an extra devastating effect. Basalt proved stalwart as the creatures thrashed him soundly with nothing connecting solidly. Even the tumbleweed beings attacked, fortunately they were easier to dispatch. If the group had been smaller or less well armored, it was evident that these creatures lived on the blood of others. Only dried out husks would remain, then a few more skeletons would inhabit the Badlands to join the others.   They packed back up swiftly and moved on. A road was beginning to emerge from the path here and there, that was certain. It led past a series of ragged tents with some large bleached white head of some ancient beast laying nearby. Sudash called it a giant Jackalope, what that was no one knew. Being on edge from the past encounter the party is cautious in the approach. Finn casts an almost never used spell to detect evil while Ardengon already has such a sense. Almost at once both speak and point to the sky. Average size demons of some hellish place are swiftly descending, did they launch themselves from some point beyond the tents? Oleg calls upon a holy power empowering any nearby with boldness and extra radiant damage. Basalt so imbued uses his weapon to good effect and kills one with repeated strikes. Skemm and Ardengon each kill one in the early onset. Garrick gets in a surprise strike on one but before it is killed lashes out with a poisonous claw. Finn stands his own ground and hews about for any that are nearby. A momentary flash of light even in broad daylight indicate he has called upon some power of Helm. As injuries are assessed it is evident Garrick is suffering & in need of swift measures. Fortunate for him and the rest Ardengon has some purifying power of his own given which removes the poison.   After two encounters in the past day almost everyone had some degree of injury, signs of more travel could be seen. In the far distance something stood as a cloud of dust was being stirred. Thankfully so as the final leg to get to the famed Minotaur Circus was taken. A small group of Minotaurs approached as if in greeting maybe, then bellowed and charged. Really? Was this some joke? No, it was certainly not. In fact, Basalt was hit by one of the charging Minotaurs only to go flying a few feet not rising again. As battle was fully joined Oleg suffered the same fate, a raging charge smashing him to the Badland ground. As taunts were thrown by the Minotaurs they seemed close to berserk over the thrill of battle. So be it as the first bull headed creature was taken down by spell and Garrick's blades. Skemm unleashed his own fury, once, twice, three times in quick reply as two tall warriors slashed at one another. With two companions down, the concentration of spell and blade proved too much for the remaining Minotaurs. Quickly, the group checked on Basalt and Oleg making sure they were capable of walking. What sort of peace was this?   Apparently The Long Watch had not gotten close enough to the main event and Circus area to be included in that honorific. On the bright side, everyone did make it and they were told that all were welcome. Outside the protection of the Circus groups would test themselves against outsiders to see if they were worthy. A surprise visit took place, the Aunt of Oshak. Betto Moo Hennesay who had been a Guardian of the Labryinth came and spoke with them. She mourned the nephew, but that was the way of it adventuring out into parts unknown. The group had arrived a few days early and took rest.


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