Wrap up 49: When the Circus comes to Town in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap up 49: When the Circus comes to Town

Session 49 – When the Circus comes to Town.   PC's: Ardengon, Basalt, Esko, Garrick, Finn, Oleg, Skemm, Sudash Location: Badlands @ The Minotaur Circus   Games and more games. To see a Minotaur Circus is open yourself up to an entirely new experience. It's like seeing snow for the first time for someone who has never done so. An oddly modified container was made with a tap of sorts of drinking milk. Many young Minotaur's were about cheering and jeering when a participant would attempt to drink relatively room temperature milk upside down. It was a feat of agility and strength to even attempt it and there were plenty of takers. Sudash tried it three times with one being a relatively decent success. Garrick made it past round 1 with ease and then could not hold himself up any longer on round two. Neither Finn nor Skemm gave it a shot, much to the chagrin of some of the others in the group. A game with crude wooden carved ducks where mostly younger participates were grabbing random ducks for prizes. Various martial tests with ax throwing and the like. Finally, a somewhat ridiculous contraption of Gnome Tinkers or Engineers as they called themselves had a small catapult constructed with the most daring riding in the basket. Cushioning was set up; it was on the other side of the enormous tent and in abundance. We all noticed Garrick eyeing the device as a Dwarf looks lovingly at a full ale. He spurred on the Gnomes and kept pointing towards the top of the gigantic tent. Later he would launch toward the hole at the very top grabbing the pole like a spinning top as he descended.   Outside of the gaming the variety of people running about was intense. A duck humanoid rumored to come from the far East along the coast. He, so we presumed it was he was glancing often at the Duck game mumbling something; this was no other than Quackbeard. There were people of the Brynn, Mountain Dwarves, Elves of numerous variety, a few Dragonborn, some Goblins allowed in for now, and some Snake Men of sorts. A group of cattle must have been imported in on some large caravan or over the couse of years. It was quite the group of about 100 and their purpose was unknown. Were they to be sacrificed, eaten, ridden . . only those in charge knew. The food stand was delicious and all partook of apples with various sweet coatings. Sudash was checking out some stuff frog with yellow warts on them, he had little success. Skemm also gave that a whirl and got nothing either of his attempts. Esko as well as Garrick took interest in some puzzle game with various toys as prizes, eventually with enough coin spent at these activities Garrick got his chance to blow a toy trumpet. Surprisingly it was to such a quality of note that some nearby applauded.   At the Opening Ceremony around the somewhat oval shaped grandstands all could see P.T. Barnna, Ringmaster of the Badlands Herd Circus take center stage. Clover, the Bellower sang about choosing a Champion to guard the Labyrinth. It was quite touching regardless of understanding all of it. There was a pause while another entertained asked riddles of the crowd. Esko caught on quickly with the bad puns and answered a clever question about a legless cow. Soon a troop of Halflings Clowns representing the 12 Thorps came out in a ridiculous Red & Yellow striped wagon. All was proceeding rather well considering the various races represented.   A low thrum tingle starting at the toes and shooting upwards indicated an explosion, it happened in a flash as they say. The concussion from the wagon blowing up threw some folks off their feet, hooves, tail or whatever else they were standing on. Smoke billowed and an army of demonic creatures in the clown costumes stood where the Halflings had, of the same height armed with some sort of hand crossbows which looked like toys n widget noise makers moments before. Out of the wreckage a large minotaur stepped out, the steed pulling the wagon began transforming into a Nightmare. Was that the Minotaur, Tor the Mighty? Chaos reigned as the shorter demonic creatures scattered by the dozen into the crowd shooting randomly. The creature which had been a horse took flight in a burst of flames and noise. The menacing Minotaur waded into those nearby with deadly precision. The party had been sitting spread apart here and there in the crowd quite a distance from one another, it was fortunate to not be caught in some of the various blasts taking place but unfortunate in that coordination of any sort of defense was taking precious moments.   As the battle continued tears flowed down Finnicks face. Innocents were being killed everywhere yet the greater good was to put an eventual stop to it. Dying to save one or two when living would save many, it was a difficult feeling. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Basalt help the wounded and young escape the twisted performers and the flying flaming beast. Ardengon stepped forward rebuking the Fiends hoping to turn them aside. While valiant the result was to be shot at as he made himself a known target. On the second tier of the stands across from the main entrance, the party made their stand as Garrick had already begun a barrage from hiding. The rogue smote the Hellfire beast such a glancing shot that it wavered and nearly crashed. Oleg too had taken to offensive magics calling upon his deity, Torm the War God. After barely one or two passes the Nightmare was overwhelmed with the dogged defense of the pair. It was sometimes forgotten but Esko in the open had incredible range blasting twin bolts or arcane energies in every direction and at any enemy in sight to assist those in need. Skemm was rushing about attacking clowns expertly cleaving heads and arms from those who were nearby. A demonic former clown would fall, yet another one or two would be there to attack him. Sudash wasted no time blinking himself across the stairwell gaps hammering the nearby clowns with wickedly effecive magics, some from a wand of fireballs. The central arena floor still held a few of those important Minotaurs from the opening ceremony, they had survived but some were bleeding out crawling away from the disaster. Betty Moo Hennasy had gathered herself and was shouting orders here and there trying to get the attention of those party members close enough to hear. Ardengon heard Oshask's Hennasy's relative and a soft white glow flashed down as if the Moon had descended into the arena on one spot, Tor the Mighty. Finn & Ardengon fought as a pair moving towards the central part of the arena. With time the dance of sword and shield wove themselves together forming a mini storm of steel. The sheer volume of combatants made the task difficult.   Basalt, having saved many entered the battle near one of the top stairwells. He was drawing those demons who had taken residence for easy kills. Sudash and Esko occasionally sent magical bolts and crackling bolts of force in support. Skemm waded his way towards the head of the Mintotaur activities who struggled or fell to Tor and constant peppering from the odd demonic weapons. All this had taken place in a relatively brief period of time. Oleg descended from the 2nd tier of the seating onto the arena floor having surrounded himself with an auro of fey creatures protecting him and harming enemies. As the bulk of the party advances in their own way to the central part of the arena floor Betty Moo fells Tor, the evil Minotaur. Once the bulk of the demonic smaller clown creatures are defeated along with the Nightmare & huge Minotaur the rest is a bit of a mop up. At some point Skemm have saved Asterion by knocking him off the slight ledge and taking on the clowns which were killing him. Oleg had made his way forward with spell and warhammer to the most critically injured. The others helped heal as their abilities allowed and some just sat down where they were for a bit. Looking at the tent flaps opening as Minotaur warriors entered, it was around noon. What felt like hours of battle was more like a portion of ten minutes at best. The members of The Long Watch had killed many of the attackers, saved some people, and prevented a certain amount of disaster to the event. Mintotaurs flowed in helping those in need, it was a mixture of sadness and relief that many had survived.


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