Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 24 in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 24

With the party having dealt with the Ibixian pit, and the rangers of the woods reporting a lessoned Ibixian presence in the Northern part of the Elk Woods, it was decided that the party would go back to the Gates of the Bladestain City and see what might be found. After all, evidence of a group of intruders, had been seen there. A new party member, a wizard by the name of Julian, was adamant about how bad an idea tempting fate against a spider nest was, but in the end his protestations fell on death ears. Entering the excavated tunnel into the city's entry hall, the party found some dead Gnolls?, and a cocooned individual dangling from the ceiling, almost immediately they were attacked by Man sized crypt spiders. After fighting them off, the party freed a Red headed Mohawk sporting Dwarf, who Holfast recognized as being one of the Dwarven sappers that worked for them in the excavation of the gates. The Dwarf, Harmar Brokenshield, admitted he came back with a group of adventurers and began exploring here. The dead Gnolls were hirelings they had brought along, after losing there Gnolls to the spiders they had went further into the city and lost a member to Bronze Golems.   Harmar and his last companion, Stovvar fled the golems and were jumped by more spiders while trying to flee the halls. Stovvar escaped as far as Harmar knew. The party let Harmar escape the city and continued on. Searching the area the party found a locked iron door, and an unlocked stone door. Entering the stone door they found an old guard barracks with empty bed frames and equally empty weapon and armor racks. As the party started the search they thought they heard sounds behind them and so followed to the south eastern part of the grand hall where old refuse was piled. going around a couple corners the discovered a collapsed stair well area, many bones, feathers, down and other refuse piled at the bottom of a shaft going up into faint sunlight coming from far above. The sounds of screeching and singing could be discerned. As they were looking around 2 Bronze Golems rushed them from the other side of the hall. One was more Clockwork like than the other, which was of much hardier construction. While fighting these flaming hot constructs, two more crypt spiders snuck up on the party. After this battle the party decided to retreat to the Dwarven Hold of Förstfödd for rest, Where they were reminded that Clan Bladestain was known for its Constructs.


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