Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 25 in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 25

The Party decided to go back into the Iron Mines to the west of the Dwarven Outpost. Retracing their steps they slowly made their way past old dead corpses of spiders and Dwarves until the came to an old mining hub where they found live Ettercaps and Phase Spiders. The Ettercaps were bent over a long dead and eviscerated Dwarf. After the fight with these monsters, the party mage was able to determine that they were preforming some sort of Divination Ritual over the remains. They party found a large chasm with a rope going across, but decided to take another route and after looking at a few more rooms came to another area of the mines where they discovered a large locked iron door and the noise of water flowing and a metallic whirling of gears?. While checking out the tunnels they found the Brotherhood symbols drawn on the floor in front of the Iron Door and soon after were attacked by Brotherhood Githzeri Monks who had magical ? / Psionic ? powers to deal psychic damage with a touch, attack at a distance with a spectral hand, cast shield spells and something like a phantasmal killer spell. After an few early crits from the monsters and 3 members going down hard, the Dice changed for the party and a near TPK / Route turned into the Brotherhood leader fleeing magically as the remainder died. The Leader was screaming, " These are the ones the Great Mother wants dead, they have interfered with our plans enough! Kill them all !". After the parties near route by the Brotherhood forces, they returned to the Dwarven Outpost to lick their wounds and regroup, not to mention decide what to do about these Brotherhood patrols in the mines, or these intelligent spiders.


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