Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 26 in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 26

The party decided to go back into the Iron mines and see what they could find. In the room where they had encountered phase spiders and ettercaps, they once again found 3 ettercap conjurers performing a "summoning?" ritual. Interrupting the ritual they also discovered the presence of a large Spiderlike Drake. After taking what treasure they could find they followed a stairwell up to another level where they discovered a Fog filled level overlooking the deep chasm and fought more spiders including a demonic wolf faced spider in a room with a massive Moradin alter. They did find a rune inscribed longsword and Mithril Breastplate. The Dwarves of the outpost were concerned to hear about Demonic WolfSpiders and Spider Drakes. More questions than answers where discovered.


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