Wrap-up adventure summary 28 in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap-up adventure summary 28

4 party members, Julian, Holfast, Marigot, and Oshak went back to the Mushroom cave and the goblin cave to continue exploring. They found a water reservoir with a goblin statue that released an under water grate and freed a giant constrictor snake. After defeating the snake, they discovered the pool connected to the old city water source and so they moved on in the goblin caves. Coming into a new area they we confronted by a Rat Man patrol. who attacked and also immediately offered the party the ability to flee. Between overwhelming initial damage and stubbornness, the party continued to fight, but the number of rat man reinforcements grew until the battle became unwinnable. But with the Barbarian down (having killed the father of some of the Rat men, thus angering them) and the cleric unwilling to negotiate with clear worshipers of Yondalla, only Julian was able to get out alive. Unable to save his companions from overwhelming odds (30 + Rat men), Julian fled. A 3/4PK happened.


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