Wrap-up adventure summary 29 in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap-up adventure summary 29

Going Back to the Rat man caves with 2 new companions, the party stealthfully approached their location. Finding a single Rat man swashbuckler on guard (or so it seemed), a Swashbuckler wearing a lovely warriors coif, the party began a difficult negotiation hoping to retrieve their lost magic. The Rat man was not impressed and Akaar suggested the party could do a mission to help the Rat men to gain their trust. the party discovered the Rat men practiced a Carnivorous (Cannibalistic) society, when it was indicated that the tribe ate well after the parties battle. Only Holfast's body was spared by the Rat man Priest of Yondalla, to be used in the Shrine room (whatever that means).    The party was told to go into a nearby cavern and find the Fish Man redoubt and their new fungal allies. They where to destroy them and if any ogres where killed bring back 15 of their heads also. The party entered the Easter Lost river caves an realized this was the Druid Eurites ' cave, when they saw the large opening to the sky above. beginning to travel the cave the party was soon attacked by an ogre patrol (non-brotherhood). as a very long battle ensued, even what is believed to be Artivastis arrived to interfered by summoning Ghasts to harry the party, before she disappeared). When the ogres and ghasts were defeated, the party went to the well lit camp of Eurites, to get a short rest and they did not find him there.   During their short rest the party discovers that if a fire is lit in Eurites' camp fire pit, some type of magical ward surrounds the campsite.    "Mysteries" !!!


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