Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 30 in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 30

Beginning at Eurites' camp, the party checked out the area to the north in this huge , less than stable cave/ pit? and discovered Ogre signs and a caved-in exit, leading to the outside, and a mountain valley. They did not explore the valley other than to determine that they saw no passes out of said valley. Heading west / south west over many steep graded climbs within the cave the party found a (Aztec like) pyramid shaped temple with a large fire pit outside on a Sacrificial? pyre. the walls were splattered and painted with blood. They were spotted by 2 priests/monks with scabby/scaly skin and long gross tongues, who while greeting them in a friendly manner claimed the temple to Vardisain ( a God of Hunger), known to Finn as a little worshiped Brynn Deity, of questionable motives . They pointed the party to the NW and wished them luck in dealing with the Fishmen and their fungal allies. Passing further into this eerily lit cavern the party found fishmen tracks and followed them into an area with black cap fungal growth. Proceeding into this side tunnel, the party discovered an abandoned guard post , a smashed in barricade with a decayed and chewed up ogre corpse, and were ambushed by black - cap stalkers. They discovered the stalkers dislike and fear of radiant energy, when the party was faced with a possible rout, 2 of the black caps fled fortuitously from Finn's light, before they could kill the party. Regrouping the party fled back to Eurites's camp to get a short rest and plan.


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