Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 31 in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 31

From entries in Finnick Wilmot's report, tales around the pub, and survivors of cavern exploration. Location: Underground near the Druid Eurites special campsite. The area is open here and there with large fallen chunks of the ceiling having fallen in. The ecology here holds a somewhat bizzare combination of a sunken forest, vinery, and deep earth tunnels and waterways.   Effort continues to disturb the Fishfolk in the hopes of returning some of the gear from our fallen party members. This is less than ideal but does provide a way to salvage something out of nothing.   Finn reports looking around at the faces of the campsight and barely recognized some of those who looked back. Certainly Julian was recognizable but Sudash, a half orc claiming to be a proficient adventurer and Esko Karvornen both at least managed to find the campsight without drawing a blade. The little goblin Kaw also did not attempt to kill anyone in the party, at least not yet. He was certainly touched by the Faux or Fox God as he kept calling it. Beggars cannot be choosers so we set out together in the high hopes of rich mercenaries for some and a Vigilant watch of terrible evils for others. The dead ogre outside the main Fishfolk complex was a mysterious and ominous sentry. It was not unexpected when sentries attacked. Unfortunately one of the fishfolk had escaped and could not be found right away. In addition some of the creatures were a bit larger type who could also send jolts of shocking force through their skin as well. The group headed farther into the complex with a concealed door being found on one side of the main tunnel. We took this knowing it was likely a trap, Kaw was a bit occupied with finding something to eat as we hustled through their to a door. That door opened in part and magical energies crackled into and from the group. The initial encounter was brutal as Julian let loose some of the most powerful at his disposal. Sudash and Esko who were unknown to the party for the most part held their own and displayed some manner of magics of their own. After fighting took place for a time this ended with creatures coming from the front and the rear without the manpower to stop the larger Kuo-toa successfully.   Finns Report of the topic, about three quarters of the way through: It is here that an odd twist of fate took place. Sudash was able to escape with some sort of hasted retreat or so he told us. Not only that but the rest of us were being trussed up like pigs to be taken to the Vardisain Priests for sacrifice. I am reminded again that the loyalty of compansions is not always visible at first glance. Sudash arranged a deal with the Priests within a few minutes of our being taken captive. Not all the luck in the world is held by Halflings. Your life or your coin, a fairly simple exchange I thought. Not so, for there was more to this bargain. A bounty of 30 creatures to be sacrificed to the Altar of Hunger.


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